Bitternut Hickory
Price: 25.95The Bittenut Hickory, Carya
cordiformis, is also known as the Yellow-bud Hickory
tree. The yellow bud makes it difficult to mistake
for another species and combined with the altern...Read

Bitternut Pecan
Price: 25.95The Bitternut Pecan tree, Carya
brownii, is a large pecan hickory. It is also called
, bitternut hickory, bitternut, bitter pecan tree,
bitter pignut, butternut, butternut hickory,...Read

Black Cherry
Price: 14.95The Black Cherry tree, Prunus
serotina, is native to eastern North America, Mexico
and Central America. It is one of the largest of the
cherries, typically growing to 50-80’ tall w...Read

Bur Oak
Price: 13.95The Bur Oak tree, Quercus macrocarpa,
is a long-lived majestic oak tree. It is also called
the Burr Oak. The Bur Oak is a tall, fairly
slow-growing, long-lived tree, highly desirab...Read

Chestnut Oak
Price: 15.95The Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus
prinus, is a medium-sized, native, deciduous tree.
Chestnut Oak trees are also called Rock Oak, Rock
Chestnut Oak, or Mountain Oak. It is long-lived ...Read

Chickasaw Plum
Price: 16.95The Chickasaw Plum tree, Prunus
angustifolia, is a deciduous multi-stemmed shrub or
small tree which occurs in thickets, pastures,
fields, fencerows, stream banks and disturbed are...Read

Eastern Red Cedar
Price: 11.95The Eastern Red Cedar, Juniperus
Virginiana, is a small to medium-sized aromatic
evergreen tree. Typically, the trunk is straight and
the tree has a pointed, dense, conical crown t...Read

Gobbler Sawtooth Oak
Price: 14.95The Gobbler Sawtooth Oak tree,
Quercus acutissima, produces acorns in 5 years,
supports wildlife, and is fast growing tree. The
“Gobbler” Sawtooth Oak, is the same as the Sawtooth

Price: 11.95The Hazelnut tree, Corylus americana,
also commonly called the American filbert, is a
Missouri native, deciduous, rounded, multi-stemmed
tree/shrub which typically grows 8-16' tall...Read

Horsechestnut Buckeye
Price: 14.95The Horsechestnut Buckeye tree,
Aesculus hippocastanum, is a beautiful, round-headed
tree perfectly suited for use in smaller yards. This
flowering tree has long, dense clusters of...Read

Price: 13.95The Mayhaw tree, Crataegus
aestivalis, is a slow-growing native North American
tree that reaches a height of 30 feet with a rounded
canopy that spreads to 35 feet or more. The spa...Read

Nuttall Oak
Price: 21.95The Nuttall Oak tree, Quercus
nuttallii, was not distinguished as a species until
1927. It is also called red oak, Red River oak, and
pin oak. It is one of the few commercially imp...Read

Paw Paw
Price: 15.95The Paw Paw tree, Asimina triloba, is
a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with short trunk
and rounded top that presents a semi-tropical
appearance. PawPaw trees average about 15' ...Read

Price: 10.95The American Persimmon tree,
Diospyrus virginiana, is a native fruit tree with
attractive edible fruit. Its dark-green leaves
conceal small fragrant white flowers that are

Red Mulberry
Price: 11.95The Red Mulberry tree, Morus Rubra,
is a medium-sized tree, reaching approximately 50,
and occasionally, 70 feet in height. The trunk can
reach a diameter of up to two feet. The br...Read

Russian Olive
Price: 9.95The Russian Olive tree, Elaeagnus
Angustifolia, is an excellent windbreak and wildlife
tree. It is extremely tolerant of environmental
factors. The best windbreak tree for high win...Read

Price: 14.95The Sourwood tree, Oxydendrum
arboreum, is one of the most prized native trees,
especially noted for its summer flowering and
gorgeous fall colors. The Sourwood makes a nice
small ...Read

Price: 10.95The Sugarberry tree, Celtis
laevigata, is also commonly called sugar hackberry
or southern hackberry or Mississippi
hackberry.Sugarberry trees are basically a southern
version of c...Read

Swamp White Oak
Price: 15.95The Swamp White Oak tree, Quercus
bicolor, is a beautiful native tree with lustrous,
heavy textured leaves with wavy margins. This rugged
oak grows well in either upland or swampy ...Read

Washington Hawthorne
Price: 13.95The Washington Hawthorne tree,
Crataegus Phaenopyrum, is a broadly oval to rounded,
dense, thorny tree. The foliage is a reddish purple
when unfolding and gradually changing to lus...Read

American Hornbeam
Price: 14.60The American Hornbeam tree, Carpinus
caroliniana, is a shade tolerant under story tree.
American Hornbeam trees are also known by the common
names of Musclewood, Ironwood, Blue Bee...Read

Quaking Aspen
Price: 13.95The Quaking Aspen tree, Poplus
tremuloides, is the most widely distributed tree in
North America. It is known by many common names:
trembling aspen, golden aspen, mountain aspen. T...Read

Autumn Olive
Price: 15.95The Autumn Olive tree, Elaeagnus
umbellata, is a medium sized tree or a large shrub
reaching heights of 20 plus feet.The upper surface
of the leaves is dark green to grayish-green ...Read