American Beech
Price: 24.95The American Beech tree, Fagus
Grandifolia, has a short trunk, with a spreading
crown and is a very stately tree.The American Beech
grows best in full sun, but will withstand parti...Read
Black Cherry
Price: 14.95The Black Cherry tree, Prunus
serotina, is native to eastern North America, Mexico
and Central America. It is one of the largest of the
cherries, typically growing to 50-80’ tall w...Read
Black Gum
Price: 14.95The Blackgum tree, Nyssa sylvatica,
is also known as the Black Tupelo or Sourgum.
Blackgum trees are considered one of our most
beautiful native trees. It is thought of as one of
Bur Oak
Price: 13.95The Bur Oak tree, Quercus macrocarpa,
is a long-lived majestic oak tree. It is also called
the Burr Oak. The Bur Oak is a tall, fairly
slow-growing, long-lived tree, highly desirab...Read
Lacebark Elm
Price: 21.95The Lacebark Elm tree, Ulmus
parvifolia, is a superb tree for urban conditions
and should be widely considered for use as a street
tree. This deciduous shade tree is a very hardy, ...Read
Shademaster Honey Locust
Price: 29.95The Shademaster Honey Locust tree,
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis,
'Shademaster'Honeylocust, may also be called
sweet-locust or thorny-locust. This deciduous tree
is a moderately fa...Read
Chinese Chestnut
Price: 15.95The Chinese Chestnut, Castanea
mollissima, can be used as a nut tree and a shade
tree, or planted in rows as a windbreak. The nuts
are sweet-flavored and produce edible nuts in win...Read
Cimmaron Ash
Price: 34.95The Cimmaron Ash tree, Fraxinus
pennsylvanica, 'Cimmzam', is a fast growing ash tree
that has beautiful glossy purple-colored leaves for
showy foliage color. This deciduous trees i...Read
Green Ash
Price: 9.71The Green Ash tree, Fraxinus
Pennsylvanica, is a fast growing shade tree with
rich green foliage and an upswept branching habit.
It is very adaptable to many soil and moisture cond...Read
Hybrid Poplar
Price: 10.95The Poplar Hybrid tree, Populus
Hybrid, will grow six feet per year with average and
normal conditions This fast growing tree is often
planted as a hedge, screen, windbreak, or to ...Read
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Price: 22.95The Kentucky Coffee Tree, Gymnocladus
Dioicus, may also be known as American coffee berry,
Kentucky mahogony, nicker treet, or stump tree.
Kentucky Coffee trees are large round-bar...Read
London Sycamore
Price: 13.95The London Sycamore tree, Platanus
Acerifolia, or "Bloodgood Sycamore" is a large tree.
The tree will reach a height of 85 feet and a spread
of 70 feet. Pyramidal in youth, it deve...Read
Northern Red Oak
Price: 14.95The Northern Red Oak tree, Quercus
borealis, is known for its strength and brilliant
fall color. Northern Red Oak trees are used as a
specimen tree and also for wildlife. It has mo...Read
Patmore Ash
Price: 33.95The Patmore Ash tree, Fraxinus
pennsylvanica 'Patmore', better known as the Patmore
Ash, is a lovely, fast-growing tree with 5-9 shiny
green leaflets which stay on the tree well in...Read
Red Maple
Price: 11.95The Red Maple tree, Acer rubrum, is a
deciduous tree which will typically grow 40-60' tall
with a rounded to oval crown. In northern states,
red maple usually occurs in wet bottoml...Read
Autumn Flame Red Maple
Price: 40.95The Autumn Flame® Red Maple tree,
Acer rubrum, 'Autumn Flame', is a fast growing tree
that is also one of the first trees to show fall
color. The Autumn Flame® Red Maple has scarle...Read
October Glory Red Maple
Price: 24.95The October Glory Red Maple tree,
Acer rubrum 'October Glory', is one of the best and
most popular of the Red Maple cultivars. October
Glory Red Maple trees are excellent for inten...Read
Red Sunset Red Maple
Price: 40.95The Red Sunset® Red Maple tree, Acer
Rubrum Red Sunset, is considered one of the best
trees for early fall color! This is a large
deciduous tree that has pyramidal form when young
Silver Maple
Price: 8.21The Silver Maple tree, Acer
Saccharinum, is a medium to large fast growing tree.
The species is ideal for wet bottomland sites and
can easily recover from extended periods of flood...Read
Swamp Chestnut Oak
Price: 20.95The Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus
michauxii, is known also as a basket oak for the
baskets made from its wood, and cow oak because cows
eat the acorns. One of the important timb...Read
White Ash
Price: 16.46The White Ash tree, Fraxinus
Americana, is a handsome native tree. It develops an
open and rather round topped crown in its old age.
This is the largest of the ash trees in North A...Read
American Elm
Price: 10.95The American Elm tree, Ulmus
americana, is the largest and most wide spread elm
tree in the United States. These Elm trees have a
tall drooping crown growing above divided trunks
American Sycamore
Price: 14.95The American Sycamore, Platanus
occidentalis, is a very adaptabe and rugged tree.
American Sycamore trees are fast growing, large
shade trees with a massive trunk and a have a
Autumn Blaze® Red Maple
Price: 24.95The Autumn Blaze Red Maple, Acer
fremanii, 'Autumn Blaze', is an extremely
fast-growing maple with brilliant red fall color.
Under good conditions it can grow 3ft. or more per
Autumn Purple Ash
Price: 35.95The "Autumn Purple" White Ash,
Fraxinus americana, 'Autumn Purple', is a seedless
male tree and is a cultivar of the species which is
native to moist areas. This fast growing White...Read