Black Willow
Price: 14.95The Black Willow tree, Salix nigra,
is a small (sometimes shrub like) to large,
short-lived, deciduous tree. It is fast growing and
may reach maturity within 30 years. Other names ...Read

Shademaster Honey Locust
Price: 29.95The Shademaster Honey Locust tree,
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis,
'Shademaster'Honeylocust, may also be called
sweet-locust or thorny-locust. This deciduous tree
is a moderately fa...Read

Cimmaron Ash
Price: 34.95The Cimmaron Ash tree, Fraxinus
pennsylvanica, 'Cimmzam', is a fast growing ash tree
that has beautiful glossy purple-colored leaves for
showy foliage color. This deciduous trees i...Read

Siouxland Cottonwood
Price: 13.95The Souixland Cottonwood tree,
Populus deltoides, 'Siouxland', is a very fast
growing, cottonless cottonwood with a rounded head
at maturity. These Cottonwood trees display

Dawn Redwood
Price: 14.95The Dawn Redwood tree, Metasequoia
glyptostroboides, is a deciduous conifer, with soft
needle-like leaves that look like evergreens, but
are bright green in the spring and brillian...Read

Eastern White Pine
Price: 13.95The Eastern White Pine, Pinus
Strobus, is a beautiful landscape pine widely used
throughout much of North America. This evergreen
conifer tree is a truly magnificent tree

Fraser Fir
Price: 12.95The Fraser Fir, Abies Fraseri, is a
classy, tall, fir tree that has short dark-green
needles with silver undersides. It is among the most
classy of conifers. A great ornamental and...Read

Price: 11.95The Hackberry tree, Celtis
Occidentalis, is a superior tree that withstands
heat, drought, wind, and alkaline soils. The
Hackberry tree is tall, and has similar spread, with

Hybrid Poplar
Price: 10.95The Poplar Hybrid tree, Populus
Hybrid, will grow six feet per year with average and
normal conditions This fast growing tree is often
planted as a hedge, screen, windbreak, or to ...Read

Loblolly Pine
Price: 10.95The Loblolly Pine tree, Pinus taeda,
is a fast-growing member of the yellow pine group.
It is also called yellow pine, North Carolina pine,
and oldfield pine and is the most commer...Read

Lombardy Poplar
Price: 9.95The Lombardy Poplar tree, Populus
nigra, is a fast growing, tall, columnar tree with
bright green leaves with a silver underside. These
trees are used to form quick windbreaks, whi...Read

Northern Catalpa
Price: 14.95The Northern Catalpa tree, Catalpa
speciosa, is now naturalized in urban and rural
areas and is primarily used today as a large
ornamental shade tree. Farmers introduced Northern

Norway Spruce
Price: 10.95The Norway Spruce tree, Picea Abies,
is a fast growing tree that can grow to 150 ft.
Norway Spruce trees, placed on a good site, should
reach 5 ft. in 6 to 7 years starting with a ...Read

Paper Birch
Price: 12.95The Paper Birch tree, Betula
papyrifera, is also known as a Paper Birch, White
Birch, Canoe Birch. Paper Birch trees are the most
widely distributed (east to west) of all North

Ponderosa Pine
Price: 9.95The Ponderosa Pine, Pinus Ponderosa,
will grow on most soils including very sandy soils
and sites with very little topsoil. Once
established, it is very drought resistant. With goo...Read

Red Mulberry
Price: 11.95The Red Mulberry tree, Morus Rubra,
is a medium-sized tree, reaching approximately 50,
and occasionally, 70 feet in height. The trunk can
reach a diameter of up to two feet. The br...Read

Silver Maple
Price: 8.21The Silver Maple tree, Acer
Saccharinum, is a medium to large fast growing tree.
The species is ideal for wet bottomland sites and
can easily recover from extended periods of flood...Read

Thornless Honeylocust
Price: 13.95The Thornless Honeylocust tree,
Gleditsia Triacanthos, is fast growing as a young
tree and will grow 2’ or more a year over a 10-year
period. Readily transplanted, it withstands a ...Read

Tulip Poplar
Price: 10.46The Tulip Poplar tree, Liriodendron
tulipifera, also known as Yellow poplar or Tuliptree,
is nature’s masterpiece with beautiful tulip like
flowers and very fast growing. The Tulip...Read

Weeping Willow
Price: 8.96The Weeping Willow tree, Salix
Babylonica, is a rapid growing yard or landscaping
tree. When mature it exhibits graceful wide
spreading branches. The Weeping Willow has pendulous

White Ash
Price: 16.46The White Ash tree, Fraxinus
Americana, is a handsome native tree. It develops an
open and rather round topped crown in its old age.
This is the largest of the ash trees in North A...Read

Willow Hybrid
Price: 11.95The Willow Hybrid tree, Salix Willow
Hybrid, also called a Hybrid Willow, will, on
average, and under normal conditions, grow six feet
per year. Under ideal conditions and on good ...Read

Flame Willow
Price: 24.95The Flame Willow, 'Salix Willow',
gets it's name from the stems that turn red in late
fall and lasts until early spring. It grows
multistemmed, more like a shrub, unless trained ot...Read

Prairie Gold Aspen
Price: 24.95The Prairie Gold Quaking Aspen,
'Populus tremuloides ‘Prairie Gold’, is a
fast-growing tree that grows in everything from
moist sandy soil to shallow rocky soils and clay. It
has a...Read

Texas Red Oak
Price: 24.95The Texas Red Oak, 'Quercus buckleyi'
is also known as Spanish Oak, Spotted Oak, Red Oak,
and Rock Oak. This medium sized tree may achieve a
height of 30 feet or more and an equal ...Read

Aristocrat Flowering Pear
Price: 20.95The Aristocrat Flowering Pear tree,
Pyrus 'Aristocrat', is a beautiful tree that is
attractive in all four seasons. It produces masses
of white flowers in early spring, followed by...Read

Quaking Aspen
Price: 13.95The Quaking Aspen tree, Poplus
tremuloides, is the most widely distributed tree in
North America. It is known by many common names:
trembling aspen, golden aspen, mountain aspen. T...Read

Autumn Purple Ash
Price: 35.95The "Autumn Purple" White Ash,
Fraxinus americana, 'Autumn Purple', is a seedless
male tree and is a cultivar of the species which is
native to moist areas. This fast growing White...Read