American Beech
Price: 24.95The American Beech tree, Fagus
Grandifolia, has a short trunk, with a spreading
crown and is a very stately tree.The American Beech
grows best in full sun, but will withstand parti...Read
Black Cherry
Price: 14.95The Black Cherry tree, Prunus
serotina, is native to eastern North America, Mexico
and Central America. It is one of the largest of the
cherries, typically growing to 50-80’ tall w...Read
Black Oak
Price: 13.95The Black Oak tree, Quercus velutina,
is very similar in appearance to the Red Oak. One of
the main differences include its ability to thrive
on poor and varied soils. It is someti...Read
Black Walnut
Price: 11.95The Black Walnut tree, Juglans nigra,
is prized for its wood and shade. Black Walnut trees
are a large, moderately growing, majestic tree. This
deciduous tree makes a wonderful sha...Read
Carpathia Black Walnut
Price: 14.95The Carpathian Black Walnut tree,
Juglans nigra, 'Carpathian', can be planted as a nut
bearing landscape tree. Common names for the
Carpathian Black Walnut tree are Persian Walnut,...Read
Thomas Black Black Walnut
Price: 14.95The 'Thomas Black' Black Walnut tree,
Juglans nigra, 'Thomas Black', is one of the most
popular nut trees in America, not only because of
its expensive wood, but the nuts are in hi...Read
Bur Oak
Price: 13.95The Bur Oak tree, Quercus macrocarpa,
is a long-lived majestic oak tree. It is also called
the Burr Oak. The Bur Oak is a tall, fairly
slow-growing, long-lived tree, highly desirab...Read
Cherry Bark Oak
Price: 14.95The Cherrybark Oak tree, Quercus
falcata var. pagodifolia, is also called bottomland
red oak, red oak, swamp red oak, swamp Spanish oak,
and Elliott oak. Cherrybark Oak trees are a...Read
Chestnut Oak
Price: 15.95The Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus
prinus, is a medium-sized, native, deciduous tree.
Chestnut Oak trees are also called Rock Oak, Rock
Chestnut Oak, or Mountain Oak. It is long-lived ...Read
Shagbark Hickory
Price: 15.95The Shagbark Hickory tree, Carya
ovata, has a distinctive, shaggy bark, conspicuous
on tall straight trees, which gives this species its
name. Shellbark hickory trees are also call...Read
Shellbark Hickory
Price: 15.95The Shellbark Hickory tree, Carya
laciniosa, is also know as bigleaf shagbark, kingnut,
big shellbark, bottom shellbark, thick shellbark and
western shellbark). This deciduous tree...Read
Colorado Blue Spruce
Price: 10.95The Colorado Blue Spruce tree, Picea
Pungens, is a pyramidal shaped evergreen with steel
blue foliage. It prefers heavier soils, full sun,
and clean cultivation. Colorado Blue Spru...Read
Concolor Fir
Price: 13.95The Concolor Fir tree, Abies concolor,
is also known as white fir, concolor fir, silver
fir, Rocky Mountain white fir, Colorado Fir, Lows
Fir, Pacific white fir. Concolor Fir trees...Read
Hardy Pecan
Price: 11.95The Hardy Pecan tree, Carya
Illinoinensis, is a beautiful, majestic tree that
grows to a height of 70 to 100 feet with a spread of
40 to 75 feet. The tree provides a bounty of swee...Read
Horsechestnut Buckeye
Price: 14.95The Horsechestnut Buckeye tree,
Aesculus hippocastanum, is a beautiful, round-headed
tree perfectly suited for use in smaller yards. This
flowering tree has long, dense clusters of...Read
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Price: 22.95The Kentucky Coffee Tree, Gymnocladus
Dioicus, may also be known as American coffee berry,
Kentucky mahogony, nicker treet, or stump tree.
Kentucky Coffee trees are large round-bar...Read
London Sycamore
Price: 13.95The London Sycamore tree, Platanus
Acerifolia, or "Bloodgood Sycamore" is a large tree.
The tree will reach a height of 85 feet and a spread
of 70 feet. Pyramidal in youth, it deve...Read
Mockernut Hickery
Price: 16.95The Mockernut Hickory tree, Carya
tomentosa, is also called a White Hickory,
Whiteheart Hickory, Hognut and Bullnut.The gray bark
of this tree is marked with branching ridges and
Nuttall Oak
Price: 21.95The Nuttall Oak tree, Quercus
nuttallii, was not distinguished as a species until
1927. It is also called red oak, Red River oak, and
pin oak. It is one of the few commercially imp...Read
Silver Maple
Price: 8.21The Silver Maple tree, Acer
Saccharinum, is a medium to large fast growing tree.
The species is ideal for wet bottomland sites and
can easily recover from extended periods of flood...Read
Sweet Gum
Price: 12.95The Sweetgum tree, Liquidambar
styraciflua, is a rapid growing shade tree usually
grown for its excellent fall color. It has an
upright pyramidal growth habit in its youth and
White Oak
Price: 11.95The White Oak tree, Quercus alba, is
a great majestic long-lived tree that will last for
generations. It is an excellent wildlife source of
food mass in the form of acorns. This de...Read
American Elm
Price: 10.95The American Elm tree, Ulmus
americana, is the largest and most wide spread elm
tree in the United States. These Elm trees have a
tall drooping crown growing above divided trunks
American Sycamore
Price: 14.95The American Sycamore, Platanus
occidentalis, is a very adaptabe and rugged tree.
American Sycamore trees are fast growing, large
shade trees with a massive trunk and a have a