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American Beech

Price: 24.95

The American Beech tree, Fagus Grandifolia, has a short trunk, with a spreading crown and is a very stately tree.The American Beech grows best in full sun, but will withstand parti...Read More

Bitternut Hickory

Price: 25.95

The Bittenut Hickory, Carya cordiformis, is also known as the Yellow-bud Hickory tree. The yellow bud makes it difficult to mistake for another species and combined with the altern...Read More

Bitternut Pecan

Price: 25.95

The Bitternut Pecan tree, Carya brownii, is a large pecan hickory. It is also called , bitternut hickory, bitternut, bitter pecan tree, bitter pignut, butternut, butternut hickory,...Read More

Black Cherry

Price: 14.95

The Black Cherry tree, Prunus serotina, is native to eastern North America, Mexico and Central America. It is one of the largest of the cherries, typically growing to 50-80’ tall w...Read More

Black Locust

Price: 21.95

The Black Locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia, is sometimes called the yellow locust. Black Locust trees grow naturally on a wide range of sites but does best on rich moist limestone...Read More

Black Oak

Price: 13.95

The Black Oak tree, Quercus velutina, is very similar in appearance to the Red Oak. One of the main differences include its ability to thrive on poor and varied soils. It is someti...Read More

Black Walnut

Price: 11.95

The Black Walnut tree, Juglans nigra, is prized for its wood and shade. Black Walnut trees are a large, moderately growing, majestic tree. This deciduous tree makes a wonderful sha...Read More

Bur Oak

Price: 13.95

The Bur Oak tree, Quercus macrocarpa, is a long-lived majestic oak tree. It is also called the Burr Oak. The Bur Oak is a tall, fairly slow-growing, long-lived tree, highly desirab...Read More

Cherry Bark Oak

Price: 14.95

The Cherrybark Oak tree, Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia, is also called bottomland red oak, red oak, swamp red oak, swamp Spanish oak, and Elliott oak. Cherrybark Oak trees are a...Read More

Chestnut Oak

Price: 15.95

The Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus prinus, is a medium-sized, native, deciduous tree. Chestnut Oak trees are also called Rock Oak, Rock Chestnut Oak, or Mountain Oak. It is long-lived ...Read More

Chinese Chestnut

Price: 15.95

The Chinese Chestnut, Castanea mollissima, can be used as a nut tree and a shade tree, or planted in rows as a windbreak. The nuts are sweet-flavored and produce edible nuts in win...Read More

Chinkapin Oak

Price: 16.95

The Chinkapin Oak tree, Quercus muehlenbergii, is the limestone equivalent of the chestnut oak, occuring as a dominant species on rocky alkaline uplands. This Oak tree is also some...Read More

Cimmaron Ash

Price: 34.95

The Cimmaron Ash tree, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, 'Cimmzam', is a fast growing ash tree that has beautiful glossy purple-colored leaves for showy foliage color. This deciduous trees i...Read More

Eastern Red Oak

Price: 13.95

The Eastern Red Oak tree, Quercus maxima, is a hardwood tree that you can recognize by its pointy-lobed leaves with prickly tips. In autumn the leaves turn a vibrant red, adding bu...Read More


Price: 23.95

The Gingko tree, Ginkgo biloba, is the sole surviving species of a group of Gymnosperms that flourished 65 million years ago, the time when dinosaurs existed. Gingko trees are also...Read More

Gobbler Sawtooth Oak

Price: 14.95

The Gobbler Sawtooth Oak tree, Quercus acutissima, produces acorns in 5 years, supports wildlife, and is fast growing tree. The “Gobbler” Sawtooth Oak, is the same as the Sawtooth ...Read More

Green Ash

Price: 9.71

The Green Ash tree, Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, is a fast growing shade tree with rich green foliage and an upswept branching habit. It is very adaptable to many soil and moisture cond...Read More

Mockernut Hickery

Price: 16.95

The Mockernut Hickory tree, Carya tomentosa, is also called a White Hickory, Whiteheart Hickory, Hognut and Bullnut.The gray bark of this tree is marked with branching ridges and d...Read More

Northern Red Oak

Price: 14.95

The Northern Red Oak tree, Quercus borealis, is known for its strength and brilliant fall color. Northern Red Oak trees are used as a specimen tree and also for wildlife. It has mo...Read More

Pignut Hickory

Price: 16.95

The Pignut Hickory tree, Carya glabra, has medium green broad, flat leaves and firm, gray bark. The bark may be marked in a sort of diamond pattern by shallow furrows and narrow ri...Read More

Post Oak

Price: 13.95

The Post Oak tree, Quercus stellata, is a small to medium-sized tree. The bark of the Post Oak is similar to that of the White Oak, but somewhat darker and often fissured into scal...Read More

American Hornbeam

Price: 14.60

The American Hornbeam tree, Carpinus caroliniana, is a shade tolerant under story tree. American Hornbeam trees are also known by the common names of Musclewood, Ironwood, Blue Bee...Read More

Autumn Purple Ash

Price: 35.95

The "Autumn Purple" White Ash, Fraxinus americana, 'Autumn Purple', is a seedless male tree and is a cultivar of the species which is native to moist areas. This fast growing White...Read More



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Edible Nut
Fall Color
Fast Growing
Flowering Dogwoods
Flowering Redbuds
Small Yard
Wind Break