Black Hills Spruce
Price: 12.95The Black Hills Spruce, Picea Glauca
Var. densata, is noted for its dark green foliage
and conical form. Black Hills Spruce trees are very
dense and have a deep dark green color. I...Read

Canadian Hemlock
Price: 14.95The Canadian Hemlock tree, Tsuga
canadensis, is also called Eastern Hemlock or
Hemlock spruce. This evergreen conifer is a
fast-growing long-lived tree which unlike many trees

Colorado Blue Spruce
Price: 10.95The Colorado Blue Spruce tree, Picea
Pungens, is a pyramidal shaped evergreen with steel
blue foliage. It prefers heavier soils, full sun,
and clean cultivation. Colorado Blue Spru...Read

Concolor Fir
Price: 13.95The Concolor Fir tree, Abies
concolor, is also known as white fir, concolor fir,
silver fir, Rocky Mountain white fir, Colorado Fir,
Lows Fir, Pacific white fir. Concolor Fir trees...Read

Douglas Fir
Price: 12.95The Douglas Fir tree, Pseudotsuga
menziessi glauca, is a splendid pyramidal evergreen.
It has many common names such as, Interior fir,
Rocky Mountain, Douglas-fir, Douglas, yellow ...Read

Eastern Red Cedar
Price: 11.95The Eastern Red Cedar, Juniperus
Virginiana, is a small to medium-sized aromatic
evergreen tree. Typically, the trunk is straight and
the tree has a pointed, dense, conical crown t...Read

Russian Olive
Price: 9.95The Russian Olive tree, Elaeagnus
Angustifolia, is an excellent windbreak and wildlife
tree. It is extremely tolerant of environmental
factors. The best windbreak tree for high win...Read

Siberian Elm
Price: 18.95The Siberian Elm tree, Ulmus pumila,
is the fastest growing deciduous hedge we know of
and the more you trim, the denser the hedge. The
Siberian Elm is a fast growing, hardy, and d...Read

Washington Hawthorne
Price: 13.95The Washington Hawthorne tree,
Crataegus Phaenopyrum, is a broadly oval to rounded,
dense, thorny tree. The foliage is a reddish purple
when unfolding and gradually changing to lus...Read

Balsam Fir
Price: 24.95The Balsam Fir, 'Abies balsamea',
exhibits a relatively dense, dark-green, pyramidal
crown with a slender spire-like tip. The scientific
name "balsamea" is an ancient word for the ...Read

American Arborvitae
Price: 12.95The American Arborvitae, Thuja
occidentalis, is a conifer evergreen tree that is
widely used as an accent tree or as a privacy hedge
tree. American Arborvitae trees have a broad py...Read

Pyramidalis Arborvitae
Price: 16.95The Pyramidalis arborvitae, Thuja
occidentalis, is a tall, slender and compact grower.
This evergreen conifer tree is ideal for entrance or
corner plantings. The bright green folia...Read

Techny Arborvitae
Price: 17.95The Techny Arborvitae, Thuja
occidentalis, is a fast growing Arborvitae tree that
grows well in full sun or light shade. Techny
arborvitae trees are very winter hardy. This

Austrian Pine
Price: 11.95The Austrian Pine, Pinus nigra, is a
densely branched tree producing long dark needles.
This evergreen conifer tree thrives in urban
locations as well as in windbreaks in more rura...Read

Autumn Olive
Price: 15.95The Autumn Olive tree, Elaeagnus
umbellata, is a medium sized tree or a large shrub
reaching heights of 20 plus feet.The upper surface
of the leaves is dark green to grayish-green ...Read