American Beech
Price: 24.95The American Beech tree, Fagus
Grandifolia, has a short trunk, with a spreading
crown and is a very stately tree.The American Beech
grows best in full sun, but will withstand parti...Read

Bitternut Hickory
Price: 25.95The Bittenut Hickory, Carya
cordiformis, is also known as the Yellow-bud Hickory
tree. The yellow bud makes it difficult to mistake
for another species and combined with the altern...Read

Black Gum
Price: 14.95The Blackgum tree, Nyssa sylvatica,
is also known as the Black Tupelo or Sourgum.
Blackgum trees are considered one of our most
beautiful native trees. It is thought of as one of

Bradford Flowering Pear
Price: 30.95The Bradford Flowernig Pear, Pyrus
calleryana, 'Bradford', is an extremely popular,
vigorous growing, medium size, shade tree with
outstanding clusters of white blooms in spring an...Read

Chanticleer Flowering Pear
Price: 33.95The Callery Pear tree, Pyrus
calleryana, 'callery X Aristocrat cultivar', is a
tight, narrow, pyramidal, thornless, ornamental pear
tree. Some specimens appear almost columnar in h...Read

Cimmaron Ash
Price: 34.95The Cimmaron Ash tree, Fraxinus
pennsylvanica, 'Cimmzam', is a fast growing ash tree
that has beautiful glossy purple-colored leaves for
showy foliage color. This deciduous trees i...Read

Cleveland Flowering Pear
Price: 30.95The Cleveland Select flowering pear
tree, Pyrus calleryana, 'Cleveland Select', has more
blooms than any other flowering pear tree. There’s
nothing more beautiful in spring than a ...Read

Flame Amur Maple
Price: 23.95The Flame Amur Maple tree, Acer
ginnala, is usually a multi-stemmed tree, noted for
its fiery-red autumn color. Its summer color is
green, but is mixed with bright red samaras or '...Read

Price: 23.95The Gingko tree, Ginkgo biloba, is
the sole surviving species of a group of Gymnosperms
that flourished 65 million years ago, the time when
dinosaurs existed. Gingko trees are also...Read

Japanese Red Maple
Price: 24.95The Japanese Red Maple tree, Acer
Palmatum Autropurpeum, is by far, one of the most
popular ornamental plants in the plant kingdom. This
small deciduous tree is a very showy, versa...Read

Native American Plum
Price: 15.95The Native American Plum tree, Prunus
americana, is also known as the Native Plum, Hedge
Plum, Sloe or Wild Plum. Native American Plum trees
are small, deciduous, single trunk tree...Read

Northern Red Oak
Price: 14.95The Northern Red Oak tree, Quercus
borealis, is known for its strength and brilliant
fall color. Northern Red Oak trees are used as a
specimen tree and also for wildlife. It has mo...Read

Patmore Ash
Price: 33.95The Patmore Ash tree, Fraxinus
pennsylvanica 'Patmore', better known as the Patmore
Ash, is a lovely, fast-growing tree with 5-9 shiny
green leaflets which stay on the tree well in...Read

Red Maple
Price: 11.95The Red Maple tree, Acer rubrum, is a
deciduous tree which will typically grow 40-60' tall
with a rounded to oval crown. In northern states,
red maple usually occurs in wet bottoml...Read

Autumn Flame Red Maple
Price: 40.95The Autumn Flame® Red Maple tree,
Acer rubrum, 'Autumn Flame', is a fast growing tree
that is also one of the first trees to show fall
color. The Autumn Flame® Red Maple has scarle...Read

October Glory Red Maple
Price: 24.95The October Glory Red Maple tree,
Acer rubrum 'October Glory', is one of the best and
most popular of the Red Maple cultivars. October
Glory Red Maple trees are excellent for inten...Read

Red Sunset Red Maple
Price: 40.95The Red Sunset® Red Maple tree, Acer
Rubrum Red Sunset, is considered one of the best
trees for early fall color! This is a large
deciduous tree that has pyramidal form when young

River Birch
Price: 20.95The River Birch tree, Betula Nigra,
is a very handsome tree for estates, parks, golf
courses and any other large areas. It displays a
light reddish brown cinnamon bark that peels a...Read

Price: 14.95The Sourwood tree, Oxydendrum
arboreum, is one of the most prized native trees,
especially noted for its summer flowering and
gorgeous fall colors. The Sourwood makes a nice
small ...Read

Sugar Maple
Price: 11.96The Sugar Maple tree, Acer Saccharum,
is one of our most majestic deciduous trees. It is
excellent for large shade or lawn locations. The
Sugar Maple has a dense crown with glossy ...Read

Sweet Gum
Price: 12.95The Sweetgum tree, Liquidambar
styraciflua, is a rapid growing shade tree usually
grown for its excellent fall color. It has an
upright pyramidal growth habit in its youth and

Flame Willow
Price: 24.95The Flame Willow, 'Salix Willow',
gets it's name from the stems that turn red in late
fall and lasts until early spring. It grows
multistemmed, more like a shrub, unless trained

Tatarian Maple
Price: 24.95The Tatarian Maple, Acer tataricum',
is quite similar to Amur Maple and the two species
readily hybridize when grown together. Tatarian
Maple grows slightly larger and is naturally...Read

American Hornbeam
Price: 14.60The American Hornbeam tree, Carpinus
caroliniana, is a shade tolerant under story tree.
American Hornbeam trees are also known by the common
names of Musclewood, Ironwood, Blue Bee...Read

Aristocrat Flowering Pear
Price: 20.95The Aristocrat Flowering Pear tree,
Pyrus 'Aristocrat', is a beautiful tree that is
attractive in all four seasons. It produces masses
of white flowers in early spring, followed by...Read

Autumn Blaze® Red Maple
Price: 24.95The Autumn Blaze Red Maple, Acer
fremanii, 'Autumn Blaze', is an extremely
fast-growing maple with brilliant red fall color.
Under good conditions it can grow 3ft. or more per

Autumn Purple Ash
Price: 35.95The "Autumn Purple" White Ash,
Fraxinus americana, 'Autumn Purple', is a seedless
male tree and is a cultivar of the species which is
native to moist areas. This fast growing White...Read