Bradford Flowering Pear
Price: 30.95The Bradford Flowernig Pear, Pyrus
calleryana, 'Bradford', is an extremely popular,
vigorous growing, medium size, shade tree with
outstanding clusters of white blooms in spring an...Read

Chanticleer Flowering Pear
Price: 33.95The Callery Pear tree, Pyrus
calleryana, 'callery X Aristocrat cultivar', is a
tight, narrow, pyramidal, thornless, ornamental pear
tree. Some specimens appear almost columnar in h...Read

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
Price: 23.95The Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree,
Prunus serrulata "Kwanzan", is one of the most
popular cultivars of the flowering cherry trees.
This deciduous tree rapidly grows to height of 2...Read

Chickasaw Plum
Price: 16.95The Chickasaw Plum tree, Prunus
angustifolia, is a deciduous multi-stemmed shrub or
small tree which occurs in thickets, pastures,
fields, fencerows, stream banks and disturbed are...Read

Cleveland Flowering Pear
Price: 30.95The Cleveland Select flowering pear
tree, Pyrus calleryana, 'Cleveland Select', has more
blooms than any other flowering pear tree. There’s
nothing more beautiful in spring than a ...Read

Corkscrew Willow
Price: 24.95The Corkscrew Willow tree, Salix
matsudana, 'Tortuosa', is a small to medium-sized,
upright spreading tree of about 30 feet in height
with a 15-foot-spread. This deciduous tree is ...Read

Eastern Redbud
Price: 10.95The Red Bud tree, Cercis Canadensis,
is also known as the eastern red bud, and sometimes
referred to as the Judas tree because it dates back
to biblical times. It is a small decidu...Read

Eastern Whitebud
Price: 38.95The Eastern Whitebud tree, Cercis
canadensis alba, is best known for their profuse
white pea-like flowers. The heart-shaped leaves of
this redbud tree are 3-5" across and its fruit...Read

Forest Pansy Redbud
Price: 38.95The Forest Pansy Redbud tree, Cercis
canadensis, 'Forest Pansy', is an excellent small
tree for lawns, woodland gardens or naturalized
areas. Effective if planted as a specimen or ...Read

Golden Raintree
Price: 16.95The Golden Raintree, Koelreuteria
Paniculata, is an excellent tree and unrivaled for
late yellow flowers. Golden Raintrees are also known
as Chinese Flame trees. It is one of the v...Read

Chinese Flame Goldenrain Tree
Price: 10.95The Chinese Flame tree, Koelreuteria
bipinnata, is a deciduous tree that has a round
canopy. It is a medium to rapid growing tree with
medium green oval leaves. The beautiful yello...Read

Magnolia x Ann
Price: 18.71The Ann Magnolia tree, Magnolia x
Ann, is a member of the 'Little Girl' series of
Magnolias that are the result of a cross originally
made at the U.S. National Arboretum. 'Ann' dev...Read

Magnolia x Jane
Price: 24.95The Jane Magnolia tree, Magnolia x
Jane, is a rounded, shrubby plant producing flowers
in late spring that resemble slender tulips. The
blooms are reddish-purple outside and white ...Read

Mimosa Tree
Price: 11.95The Mimosa tree, Albizzia
julibrissin, sometimes called Silk tree, was
introduced to the United States in 1745 for use as
an ornamental plant because of its unusual,
attractive and...Read

Native American Plum
Price: 15.95The Native American Plum tree, Prunus
americana, is also known as the Native Plum, Hedge
Plum, Sloe or Wild Plum. Native American Plum trees
are small, deciduous, single trunk tree...Read

Okame Cherry
Price: 24.95The Okame Cherry tree, Prunus Okame,
is one of the earliest of the flowering cherries.
Its carmine-pink petals, with rose-red calyx and
reddish flower stalks, open fully before lea...Read

Oklahoma Redbud
Price: 39.95The Oklahoma Redbud tree, Cercis
reniformis, 'Oklahoma', has glossy green foliage.
This redbud tree was discovered growing wild in the
Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma in 1964. This...Read

Sargents Crabtree
Price: 14.95The Sargent Crabapple tree, Malus
Sargentii, is a dwarf flowering tree that flowers
profusely in early spring with pink to white scented
blossoms. Excellent for wildlife because of...Read

Sweet Bay Magnolia
Price: 16.95The Sweetbay Magnolia tree, Magnolia
virginiana , is also called sweetbay, swampbay, or
swamp magnolia. This tree is often grown as an
ornamental landscape tree because of its attr...Read

Weeping Cherry
Price: 30.95The Weeping Cherry tree, Prunus
subhirtelia 'Pendula', has a medium growth rate for
its arching vertical growth, but a rapid growth rate
for its many weeping stems. If desired, st...Read

Zumi Crabapple
Price: 19.95The Zumi Crabapple tree, Malus x Zumi
'Calocarpa', is valued for its profuse, spring bloom
of fragrant, white flowers and for its glossy,
small, bright red crabapples which mature ...Read

Green Smoketree
Price: 10.95The Green Smoketree, Cotinus
coggygria, is a deciduous shrub/tree. The branches
are spreading, loose, and as wide as high. Green
Smoketrees have bluish green, sometimes yellow

Tatarian Maple
Price: 24.95The Tatarian Maple, Acer tataricum',
is quite similar to Amur Maple and the two species
readily hybridize when grown together. Tatarian
Maple grows slightly larger and is naturally...Read

Aristocrat Flowering Pear
Price: 20.95The Aristocrat Flowering Pear tree,
Pyrus 'Aristocrat', is a beautiful tree that is
attractive in all four seasons. It produces masses
of white flowers in early spring, followed by...Read