Pikes Peak Purple Penstemon
Price: 16.95The Penstemon ‘Pikes Peak Purple’,
Penstemon x mexicale, has constant small,
violet-purple flowers that bloom all summer long
with narrow, lance-shaped evergreen foliage. It is

Blue Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Blue) is
well suited for container plantings because of their
bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Blue will
reward you with a bountiful show of bright ...Read

Hot Pink Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Hot Pink)
is well suited for container plantings because of
their bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Hot Pink
will reward you with a bountiful show of...Read

Red Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Red) is
well suited for container plantings because of their
bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Red will reward
you with a bountiful show of bright ve...Read

Rose Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Rose) is
well suited for container plantings because of their
bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Rose will
reward you with a bountiful show of bright ...Read

Blue Purple Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Blue
Purple), displays blue- purple super large flowers.
It exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's ...Read

Burgandy Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba -
(Burgandy), displays burgundy super large flowers.
It exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's special...Read

Concord Grape Spiderwort
Price: 15.95The Spiderwort 'Concord Grape',
Tradescantia ‘Concord Grape’, has dark bluish-green
foliage with purple flowers. The flowers open for
one day but new blooms appear from June to Oct...Read

Sweet Kate Spiderwort
Price: 15.95The Spiderwort 'Sweet Kate',
Tradescantia, has a brilliant gold leaf form. This
new import from the UK is taking the gardening world
by storm! The brilliant golden foliage (brighte...Read

Red Rocks Penstemon
Price: 16.95The Penstemon ‘Red Rock’, Penstemon x
mexicale, has constant small, bright, rich, magenta
flowers that bloom all summer long with narrow,
lance-shaped evergreen foliage. It is best...Read

Crème Brulee Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Crème Brulee’ is new
to the market and has bright deep yellow flowers
that blooms from June through October. In the
Tickseed family, ‘Crème Brulee’ has larger flowe...Read

Coral Red Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Coral
Red), displays coral red super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's speci...Read

Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Early Sunrise’,
Coreopsis grandiflora, is a definite superstar among
yellow flowers. This All-American Selections Gold
Metal Award Winner has yellow flowers flush to...Read

Limerock Passions Coreopsis
Price: 16.95The Coreopsis ‘Limerock Passions’ is
a sport of Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby'. It has
beautiful lavender pink, glossy flowers that cover
the finely cut foliage. The dark green thread-l...Read

Limerock Ruby Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’ has
beautiful rosy red, glossy flowers that cover the
finely cut foliage. The dark green thread-like
foliage makes a great contrast with its flower co...Read

Moonbeam Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’, Coreopsis
verticillata, is the most popular perennial in its
family. ‘Moonbeam’ was named Perennial of the Year
in 1995 and one can see why. With its clus...Read

Marcus Salvia
Price: 17.45The Salvia ‘Marcus’, Salvia nemorosa,
is a new dwarf version of the Salvia ‘May Night’.
With its compact, dense habit of growing, it is easy
to accommodate in any perennial garden....Read

Hardy Ice Plant
Price: 15.95The Delosperma ‘Hardy Ice Plant’,
Delosperma cooperi, is a wonderful ground cover that
has single, deep rose to purple blooms. The foliage,
said to make this plant a real winner, i...Read

Black Velvet Foam Flower Tiarella
Price: 15.95The Tiarella 'Black Velvet Foam
Flower', Tiarella Hybrid, has distinctive, frothy
blooms that set the stage for other spring flowers.
This attractive and versatile plant is a wonde...Read

Heronswood Mist Foam Flower Tiarella
Price: 15.95The Tiarella 'Heronswood Mist Foam
Flower', Tiarella Hybrid , has distinctive, frothy
blooms that set the stage for other spring flowers.
This attractive and versatile plant is a w...Read

May Night Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘May Night’, Salvia
nemorosa ‘Mainacht’, has glowing purple stems loaded
with violet-purple flowers that bloom from June to
October. With its blue-gray, lance-shaped aro...Read

Plumosa Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘Plumosa’, Salvia
nemorosa, has glowing purple stems loaded with deep,
double purple flowers that bloom from June to
October. With its gray-green basal leaves and

Snow Hill Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘Snow Hill’, Salvia
nemorosa ‘Schneehugel’, has glowing purple stems
loaded with masses of clear white flowers that bloom
from June to October. With its dark green basal...Read

Sweet Dreams Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Sweet Dreams’ is a
wonderful new variety to the Coreopsis family. The
dark green thread-like foliage makes a great
contrast with its tipped white flower bleeding

Zagreb Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Zagreb’, Coreopsis
verticillata, is a prolific bloomer of bright yellow
flowers that bloom from June through October. Winner
of the 2001 RHS Award of Garden Merit, C...Read

Happy Returns Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’,
also known as a Daylily, is a very fragrant pale
yellow flower with a size of 3”. With dark green
foliage, this daylily will reach a height of 18”...Read

Pardon Me Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Pardon Me’, also
known as a Daylily, has a very fragrant, small
cranberry-wine, almost red flower, with a yellow
throat, and a flower size of 3”. With dark green ...Read

Stella de Oro Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’,
also known as a Daylily, has a very fragrant dark
yellow flower with a size of 2.5”. With dark green
foliage, this daylily will reach a height of ...Read

Strawberry Candy Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’,
also known as a Daylily, has a wonderful
strawberry-pink flower with rosy-red eye zone with a
golden green throat and ruffled edges. It has a f...Read

Blushing Maidens Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Blushing Maidens'
Dianthus Hybrid, has beautiful blush pink blooms and
silver foliage. With its grassy blue-gray foliage
and profuse blooming time, ‘Blushing Maidens’...Read

Cinnamon Red Hots Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Cinnamin Red Hots',
Dianthus Caryophyllushave, brilliant red flowers
clustered atop short stems with a delightful
fragrance. Grows best in full sun to part shade. A

Double Spotty Dianthus
Price: 17.45The Dianthus ‘Double Spotty',
Dianthus x 'Double Spotty, has a wonderful red rose
flower with white spots. With its grassy blue-gray
foliage and profuse blooming time, ‘Double Spot...Read

Blanca Scabiosa
Price: 15.95The Scabiosa 'Blanca, Scabiosa
Hybrid, is a small flowered form of the Pincushion
Flower and it exhibits a a compact habit. 'Blancat'
is a reminiscent of a pincushion full of pins....Read

Spring Symphony Tiarella
Price: 15.95The Tiarella 'Spring
Symphony',Tiarella Hybrid', has distinctive, frothy
blooms that set the stage for other spring flowers.
This attractive and versatile plant is a wonderful

Fancy Knickers Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Fancy Knickers',
Dianthus Hybrid, has elegant white flowers with just
a touch of red in the center. Their very compact
habit and free blooming nature make the 'Fancy ...Read

Blue Violet Verbena Tapien
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapien - Blue Violet,
produces torrents of dazzling violet blooms, this
hugely successful variety of Verbena is very
weather-tolerant - making it a super specimen

Pink Verbena Tapien
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapien - Pink, produces
torrents of dazzling pink blooms, this hugely
successful variety of Verbena is very
weather-tolerant - making it a super specimen plant
alone, o...Read

Firewitch Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus ‘Firewitch’, Dianthus
gratianopolitanus, is a beautiful pink flower that
can be somewhat lacey and fringed. With its grassy
blue-gray foliage and profuse blooming time...Read

Apricot Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Apricot', has Intense
colors, and exceptionally large, very floriferous,
early blooming flowers distinguish this new series.
Flowers appear ona sturdy, compact plant. ...Read

Coral Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Coral', has intense
colors, and exceptionally large, very floriferous,
early blooming flowers which distinguish this new
series. Bold, bright coral flowers appear on a...Read

Coral Belle Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Coral Belle', displays
coral colored blossoms on wiry stems over a long
period fom late spring onward. Coral Belle blends
beautifully with Nemesia and Osteos. Luminous...Read

Hannah Rose Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Hannah Rose', is one of
the stars of the new series of Diascia. It is an
excellent selection with pinkish red flowers similar
to 'Red Ace', but a much more behaved, le...Read

Ice Pole Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Ice Pole', is an
exciting color breakthrough in Twinspurs.Icy white
flowers showcase this plant. Diascia derives it's
Latin name from two words, 'di' meaning two and '...Read

Blue Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Blue', displays
multitudes of blue flowers and is noted being the
earliest bloomer in the Verbena family. The family
of Babylon Verbenas is also one of the mo...Read

Little Charmer Diascia
Price: 15.95Diascia 'Little Charmer', has
exceptionally large strawberry-pink flowers They'll
produce showers of flowers in spring to early summer
until the daytime temperatures get really hot...Read

Butterfly Blue Scabiosa
Price: 15.95The Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue’,
Scabiosa columbaria, also know as the Pincushion
Flower, has wonderful 2" lavender-blue flowers that
bloom from June to October. ‘Butterfly Blue’ is ...Read

Giant Blue Scabiosa
Price: 15.95The Scabiosa 'Giant Blue' is a vigous
version of the 'Buttefly Blue'. It has larger
lavender-blue flowers that bloom from June to
October. ‘Giant Blue’ is reminiscent of a

Grape Knee- Hi Lobelia
Price: 16.95The Lobelia 'Grape Knee-Hi', is a
wonderful new sterile dwarf form with purple flower
spikes. Excellent in the shade garden or containers,
and a hummingbird favorite. While maintai...Read

Burnished Bronze Heucherella
Price: 15.95The Heucherella 'Burnished Bronze', x
Heucherella 'BurnishedBronze', is a cross between
Heuchera and Tiarella, this exciting breakthrough in
breeding is a great addition to the gar...Read

Dayglow Pink Heucherella
Price: 15.95The Heucherella 'Dayglow Pink', also
known as Foamy Bells, is a cross between Heuchera
and Tiarella, this exciting breakthrough in breeding
is a great addition to the garden lineup...Read