Red Ace Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Red Ace', exhibits
flowers that are a deep rose pink. It is a popular
selection of Twinspur renown for it's production of
bloom. This is a vigorous selection that bene...Read

Strawberry Sundae Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Strawberry Sundae',
produces strawberry pink flowers, very compact
foliage, and an elegant trailing habit.This Twinspur
also combines unbeatable heat tolerance with co...Read

Trailing Antique Rose Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Trailing Antique Rose',
has intense colors, and exceptionally large, very
floriferous, early blooming flowers which
distinguish this new series. Deep rose flowers

Ann Thompson Geranium
Price: 15.95The Geranium 'Ann Thompson', dislays
gold tinted foliage which forms a low-spreading
mound that gives rise to a profusion of 1" wide,
dark magenta flowers. It has a plant width of ...Read

Royal Fushia Lobelia
Price: 16.95The Lobelia 'Royal Fuschia', is a
suberb new perennial Lobelia from Dan Heims. The
fantastic fuchsia-colored flowers appear over the
rosette of leaves from mid-summer into fall.Thi...Read

Pink Mist Scabiosa
Price: 16.95The Scabiosa 'Pink Mist', Scabiosa
columbaria, also know as the Pincushion Flower, has
wonderful 2" pink flowers that bloom from June to
October. 'Pink Mist' is a reminiscent of a ...Read

Carpet Blue Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Carpet Blue',
displays multitudes of blue flowers and is noted
being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is also on...Read

Bright Pink Verbena Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Temari - Bright Pink, is
a fast-growing plant that quickly adds large
clusters of intense pink blooms to containers,
window boxes, and the front of borders. Its

Dark Blue Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Dark
Blue ), displays dark blue super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's spec...Read

Large Lilac Blue Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Large
Lilac Blue ), displays blue super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's sp...Read

Pink Shades Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Pink
Shadow ), displays pink super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's special...Read

Purple Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba -
(Purple), displays purple super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's

Blue Purple Verbena Tapestry
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapestry - (Blue Purple),
exhibits lacy leaves and a low-growing habit. The
Blue Purple Verbena has dainty flowers that bloom
throughout the season. Season long blooms ...Read

Light Pink Verbena Tapestry
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapestry - (Light Pink),
exhibits lacy leaves and a low-growing habit. The
Light Pink Verbena has dainty flowers that bloom
throughout the season. Season long blooms ar...Read

Lilac Blue Verbena Tapestry
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapestry - (Lilac Blue),
exhibits lacy leaves and a low-growing habit. The
Lilac Blue Verbena has dainty flowers that bloom
throughout the season. Season long blooms ar...Read

Purple Bouquet Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Purple Bouquet',
Dianthus Barbatushas, a lightly scented, lavender
bloom. They have a maximun height of 20" and a
spread of 10" to 12" . Dianthus 'Bouquet Purple'

Rosie Cheeks Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Rosie Cheeks' has
vibrant pink flowers that look especially stunning
combined with blue and purple shades. Dianthus will
bloom from mid summer to early fall. In order...Read

Rubys Tuesday Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Rubys Tuesday',
Dianthus Hybrid, has flowers that are a deep red
carnation with a sweet fragrance. Their very compact
habit and free blooming nature make the 'Ruby Tu...Read

Tiroler Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus,'Tiroler
Gebirgshaengenelke', Dianthus Caryophyllus, are
mound shaped plants. The grass like leaves are
pointed. This plant blooms from June to September
with several ...Read

Appleblossom Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Appleblossom' has
Intense colors, and exceptionally large, very
floriferous, early blooming flowers which
distinguish this new series. The delicate pink and
white bi-c...Read

Trailing Red Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Trailing Red', has
intense colors, and exceptionally large, very
floriferous, early blooming flowers which
distinguish this new series. The deep, rich red
flowers bloo...Read

Pink Verbena Tapestry
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapestry - (Pink),
exhibits lacy leaves and a low-growing habit. The
Pink Verbena has dainty flowers that bloom
throughout the season. Season long blooms are just
some ...Read

Violet Verbena Tapestry
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapestry - (Violet),
exhibits lacy leaves and a low-growing habit. The
Violet Verbena has dainty flowers that bloom
throughout the season. Season long blooms are just

Siskiyou Pink Gaura
Price: 16.95The Gaura 'Siskiyou Pink', Gaura
lindheimeri, has numerous butterfly-shapes maroon
flowers opening to reddish pink flowers that bloom
from last spring to early summer. ‘Siskiyou Pi...Read

Miss Pinky Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Miss Pinky', Dianthus
Hybrid, has huge, deep salmon pink blooms that would
be a flower-arranger’s delight. Their very compact
habit and free blooming nature make the ...Read

Heather Queen Canna
Price: 15.95The Canna 'Heather Queen', Agastache
canna 'Heather Queen', grows 30 inches tall with 10
inch spikes of mauve pink flowers. Nice upright form
and plants take all types of extreme w...Read

Walkers Low Catmint
Price: 15.95The Nepeta ‘Walkers Low’, Nepeta
faassenii, also known as Catmint, has a low mounding
gray-green foliage with deep lavender-blue flowers
and is one of the most vividly colored in i...Read

Bertie Crug Geranium
Price: 15.95The Geranium 'Bertie Crug' is a
lovely, easy to grow little perennial Geranium with
chocolate leaves and pink flowers. Blooms all summer
and creates a delightful carpet of color. s...Read

Brookside Geranium
Price: 16.95The Geranium ‘Brookside’ has rich,
sapphire-blue flowers that bloom from June till
August. With its beautiful dark green foliage, it
has a plant width of 23-27” and a height of 18”...Read

Johnsons Blue Geranium
Price: 16.95The Geranium ‘Johnson's Blue’,
Geranium x 'Johnson's Blue', has rich sky-blue
flowers that fade to pear gray as they mature,
blooming from June till August. Thy Royal

Patricia Geranium
Price: 15.95The Geranium 'Patricia' is a vigorous
sterile hybrid of G. psilostemon, and an
exceptionally long bloomer. Magenta flowers - superb
mid-border plant.These low growing mounds of dar...Read

Tiny Monster Geranium
Price: 15.95The Geranium 'Tony Monster', Hybrid
of G. sanguineum, is sterile so it flowers nonstop
June through August. The blooms are large and are a
bright magneta color. Tony Monsters origi...Read

Pink Passion Scabiosa
Price: 15.95The Scabiosa 'Pink Passion', provides
a nonstop display of pink Pincushion flowers bloom
above compact foliage. Pink Passions are the nearest
thing to a perpetually-blooming hardy ...Read

Samanthas Pink Scabiosa
Price: 15.95The Scabiosa 'Samanthas Pink', is a
vigorous and robust Pinchusion plant, displaying
large pink flowers. The lovely medium pink blooms on
long stems also cut well. ‘Samanthas Pink’...Read

Deep Pink Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Deep Pink',
displays multitudes of pink flowers and is noted
being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is also one

Light Blue Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Light Blue',
displays multitudes of light blue flowers and is
noted being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is al...Read

Neon Rose Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Neon Rose',
displays multitudes of neon rose flowers and is
noted being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is also...Read

Pink Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Pink', displays
multitudes of pink flowers and is noted being one
the earliest bloomer in the Verbena family. The
family of Babylon Verbenas is also one of th...Read

Purple Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Purple',
displays multitudes of purple flowers and is noted
being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is also one

Red Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' Red', displays
multitudes of red flowers and is noted being one the
earliest bloomer in the Verbena family. The family
of Babylon Verbenas is also one of the ...Read

White Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' White',
displays multitudes of white flowers and is noted
being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is also one
of ...Read

Denim Blue Verbena Tukana
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tukana - Denim Blue, is
dense and very vigorous, and it sports a thick mat
of 2 1/2- to 3-inch bloom clusters from late spring
until frost, transforming any sunny spot ...Read

Salmon Verbena Tukana
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tukana - Salmon, is dense
and very vigorous, and it sports a thick mat of 2
1/2- to 3-inch bloom clusters from late spring until
frost, transforming any sunny spot into...Read

Scarlet Verbena Tukana
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tukana - Scarlet, is
dense and very vigorous, and it sports a thick mat
of 2 1/2- to 3-inch bloom clusters from late spring
until frost, transforming any sunny spot int...Read

White Verbena Tukana
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tukana - White, is dense
and very vigorous, and it sports a thick mat of 2
1/2- to 3-inch bloom clusters from late spring until
frost, transforming any sunny spot into ...Read

Goodness Grows Speedwell Veronica
Price: 15.95The Veronica ‘Goodness Grows’,
Veronica spicata, or also known as Speedwell, is an
easy to grow perennial that adds beauty to any
garden. ‘Goodness Grows’ is the longest blooming

Red Fox Speedwell Veronica
Price: 15.95The Veronica ‘Red Fox’, Veronica
spicata, also known as Speedwell, is an easy to grow
perennial that adds beauty to any garden. This
upright perennial produces wonderful deep pink ...Read

Royal Candles Speedwell Veronica
Price: 17.45The Veronica ‘Royal Candles’,
Veronica spicata, also known as Speedwell, is an
easy to grow perennial that adds beauty to any
garden. This new Veronica is the most disease