Ernest Markham Clematis
Price: 18.95The Clematis ‘Ernest Markham’,
Viticella x group, has dark red, magenta blooms that
flower in July and range in height of 12-15’ and has
a spread of 3’. The foliage is dark green a...Read

Mrs. Bradshaw Geum
Price: 15.95The Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw‘, Geum
chiloense, produces lovely scarlet, semi-double
flowers that are shaped like small roses. Its fresh
green, fuzzy foliage makes it different from the ...Read

Torchy Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Torchy', is one of the
darkest red flowering varieties in the Fleming
series. It aslo has very thick ruffled flowers that
make it somewhat unique. 'Torchy' stands 4' ...Read

Niobe Clematis
Price: 18.95The Clematis ‘Niobe’, Jackmanii x
group, has dark red with gold anthers blooms that
flower in June to July and range in height of 6-10’
and has a spread of 3’. The red flowers are ...Read

Kims Knee High Coneflower
Price: 16.95The Echinacea ‘Kim's Knee High’,
Echinacea purpurea, also known as Coneflower, is an
easy to grow flower that produces beautiful large
flowers with deep pink petals & bright orange...Read

Magnus Coneflower
Price: 15.95The Echinacea ‘Magnus’ Coneflower,
Echinacea purpurea, also known as Purple Coneflower,
Hedge coneflower, and Black Sampson, is an easy to
grow flower that produces beautiful deep ...Read

Matrona Sedum
Price: 15.95The Sedum ‘Matrona’ is one of the
finest of all upright sedums in its family. Its
sturdy, dark burgundy stems look wonderful with its
gray green leaves, edged with a deep rose colo...Read

Hot Pink Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Hot Pink)
is well suited for container plantings because of
their bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Hot Pink
will reward you with a bountiful show of...Read

Red Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Red) is
well suited for container plantings because of their
bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Red will reward
you with a bountiful show of bright ve...Read

Rose Verbena Patio Temari
Price: 15.95The Verbena Patio Temari - (Rose) is
well suited for container plantings because of their
bushier, upright growth habit. Patio Rose will
reward you with a bountiful show of bright ...Read

Burgandy Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba -
(Burgandy), displays burgundy super large flowers.
It exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's special...Read

Neon Sedum
Price: 15.95The Sedum ‘Neon’, Sedum spectabile,
is topped with large heads of neon bright pink
flowers that reaches a height of 18-24” and has a
plant spread of 18-24”. The dark gray-green fol...Read

Purple Emperor Sedum
Price: 17.45The Sedum 'Purple Emperor', also
known as Stonecrop, has dark purple, almost black
leaves with compact purple stems. In the summer,
they are topped with heads of pinkish, purple fl...Read

Vera Jameson Sedum
Price: 15.95The Sedum ‘Vera Jameson’, also known
as Stonecrop, is a wonderful ground cover with bold
color for the fall season. ‘Vera Jameson’ has a
height of 6-8” and a spread of 12”. The den...Read

Prairie Splendor Penstemon
Price: 16.95The Penstemon ‘Prairie Splendor’ has
large flowers of white, rose, lavender and pink with
narrow, lance-shaped evergreen foliage. The flowers
only last for about four weeks in mids...Read

Red Rocks Penstemon
Price: 16.95The Penstemon ‘Red Rock’, Penstemon x
mexicale, has constant small, bright, rich, magenta
flowers that bloom all summer long with narrow,
lance-shaped evergreen foliage. It is best...Read

Pink Peony
Price: 18.95The Pink Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white. Pe...Read

Red Peony
Price: 18.95The Red Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white.

Amber Waves Coral Bells
Price: 16.95The Heuchera 'Amber Waves', Heuchera
micrantha, also known as Coral Bells and Alumroot,
is a gold leaf coral bells! After years of waiting,
the folks at Terra Nova have produced on...Read

Amethyst Myst Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’,
Heuchera x ‘Amethyst Myst’, also known as a Coral
Bell and Alumroot, has unique, deep purple foliage
that is dusted with silver, unlike the other burg...Read

Eruption Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Eruption', grows to 3'
in height and is perfectly names with its explosion
of 8" hot pink flowers. It is one of the best
bloomers in the Fleming Family of Hibiscus. T...Read

Snow Angel Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Snow Angel’, Heuchera
sanguinea,also known as Alumroot or Coral Bell, has
unique light green marbled foliage with light cream
variegation. In the springtime, pinkish-...Read

Strawberry Swirls Coral Bells
Price: 15.95The Heuchera 'Strawberry Swirl,
Heuchera x 'Strawberry Swirl', also known as Coral
Bells, Alumroot and Crimson Bells, have ruffled
green leaves overlaid with silver veining. They a...Read

American Dream Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘American Dream’,
Coreopsis rosea, has a rosy pink daisy-like flower
with a yellow center. In the Tickseed family, the
dark green fernlike, thin and delicate foliage ...Read

Fireball Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Fireball', is the
second most popular Fleming Hibiscus on the market
today, growing to a height of 3-4'. 'Fireball' has
bright burgundy flowers that explode over purp...Read

Coral Red Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Coral
Red), displays coral red super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's speci...Read

Limerock Passions Coreopsis
Price: 16.95The Coreopsis ‘Limerock Passions’ is
a sport of Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby'. It has
beautiful lavender pink, glossy flowers that cover
the finely cut foliage. The dark green thread-l...Read

Limerock Ruby Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’ has
beautiful rosy red, glossy flowers that cover the
finely cut foliage. The dark green thread-like
foliage makes a great contrast with its flower co...Read

Pink Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis 'Pink', Coreopsis
rosea, is the first pink, with a yellow center,
flowering variety of the Coreopsis family. In the
Tickseed family, the daisy like blooms flower

Hardy Ice Plant
Price: 15.95The Delosperma ‘Hardy Ice Plant’,
Delosperma cooperi, is a wonderful ground cover that
has single, deep rose to purple blooms. The foliage,
said to make this plant a real winner, i...Read

Ann Chowning Iris
Price: 16.95The Iris ‘Ann Chowning’ has intense
velvety red flowers with deep yellow signals. With a
velvety texture and beautiful evergreen foliage, it
has a plant height of 36” and a width o...Read

Mother of Thyme Thyme
Price: 15.95The Thyme 'Thymus ‘Mother of Thyme’,
Thymus serpyllum, is a fast growing evergreen,
ground cover with sweet aroma. Pink to purple
blossoms appear in the summer, with a plant

Heronswood Mist Foam Flower Tiarella
Price: 15.95The Tiarella 'Heronswood Mist Foam
Flower', Tiarella Hybrid , has distinctive, frothy
blooms that set the stage for other spring flowers.
This attractive and versatile plant is a w...Read

Cathrine Woodbury Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Catherine
Woodbury’, also known as a Daylily, has very
fragrant lightly ruffled, orchid-lavender petals
with a wide green throat and a flower size of 4.5”.
With d...Read

Pardon Me Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Pardon Me’, also
known as a Daylily, has a very fragrant, small
cranberry-wine, almost red flower, with a yellow
throat, and a flower size of 3”. With dark green ...Read

Alma Potschke Aster
Price: 16.95The Aster ‘Alma Potschke’, Aster
novae-angliae, displays a beautiful bright neon rose
pink daisy-like flower that are about quarter-sized.
The flowers blooms in early fall to fros...Read

Strawberry Candy Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’,
also known as a Daylily, has a wonderful
strawberry-pink flower with rosy-red eye zone with a
golden green throat and ruffled edges. It has a f...Read

Baths Pink Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus ‘Bath’s Pink’, Dianthus
gratianopolitanus, is a beautiful soft, light pink
flower. ‘Bath’s Pink’ was the 1999 Theodore Kein
Plant Award Winner, and one can see why. Wi...Read

Blushing Maidens Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Blushing Maidens'
Dianthus Hybrid, has beautiful blush pink blooms and
silver foliage. With its grassy blue-gray foliage
and profuse blooming time, ‘Blushing Maidens’...Read

Cinnamon Red Hots Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Cinnamin Red Hots',
Dianthus Caryophyllushave, brilliant red flowers
clustered atop short stems with a delightful
fragrance. Grows best in full sun to part shade. A

Double Spotty Dianthus
Price: 17.45The Dianthus ‘Double Spotty',
Dianthus x 'Double Spotty, has a wonderful red rose
flower with white spots. With its grassy blue-gray
foliage and profuse blooming time, ‘Double Spot...Read

Woods Blue Aster
Price: 16.95The Aster ‘Woods Blue’, Aster x
dumosus, is a lavender blue daisy-like flower
blooming from August through September. With its
perfectly clean, compact, dark green, disease

Fanal Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Fanal’, Astilbe
arendsii, is a colorful feathery flower with deep
red blooms and lacy deep green or bronze-green
foliage. The foliage in spring is mahogany but as

Spring Symphony Tiarella
Price: 15.95The Tiarella 'Spring
Symphony',Tiarella Hybrid', has distinctive, frothy
blooms that set the stage for other spring flowers.
This attractive and versatile plant is a wonderful

Montgomery Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Montgomery’, Astilbe
japonica, has wonderful deep red to scarlet-red
flowers with dark red-bronze foliage changing to
green in the spring. The flowers contrast wonder...Read

Pink Verbena Tapien
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tapien - Pink, produces
torrents of dazzling pink blooms, this hugely
successful variety of Verbena is very
weather-tolerant - making it a super specimen plant
alone, o...Read

Firewitch Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus ‘Firewitch’, Dianthus
gratianopolitanus, is a beautiful pink flower that
can be somewhat lacey and fringed. With its grassy
blue-gray foliage and profuse blooming time...Read

Hannah Rose Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Hannah Rose', is one of
the stars of the new series of Diascia. It is an
excellent selection with pinkish red flowers similar
to 'Red Ace', but a much more behaved, le...Read

Rheinland Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Rheinland’, Astilbe
japonica, has wonderful clear pink flowers with mid
green foliage changing to green in the spring. The
flowers contrast wonderfully with the gloss...Read

Sprite Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Sprite’, Astilbe
simplicifolia, was the Perennial of the Year in 1994
and one can see why. With its wonderful apple
blossom light pink flowers and dark bronze foliage