Mrs. Bradshaw Geum
Price: 15.95The Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw‘, Geum
chiloense, produces lovely scarlet, semi-double
flowers that are shaped like small roses. Its fresh
green, fuzzy foliage makes it different from the ...Read

Torchy Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Torchy', is one of the
darkest red flowering varieties in the Fleming
series. It aslo has very thick ruffled flowers that
make it somewhat unique. 'Torchy' stands 4' ...Read

Big Bluestem Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass, 'Big Bluestem', Andropogon
gerardii, is a native prairie grass. This grass is
also called Turkey feet because the shape of the
seed heads look like turkey feet. It is al...Read

Denver Gold Columbine
Price: 15.95The Columbine 'Denver Gold',
Aquilegia chrysantha, has large, very showy, yellow
flowers that can measure over 3" across. The
fragrant flowers reflect the sunshine of their Rocky

Kims Knee High Coneflower
Price: 16.95The Echinacea ‘Kim's Knee High’,
Echinacea purpurea, also known as Coneflower, is an
easy to grow flower that produces beautiful large
flowers with deep pink petals & bright orange...Read

Magnus Coneflower
Price: 15.95The Echinacea ‘Magnus’ Coneflower,
Echinacea purpurea, also known as Purple Coneflower,
Hedge coneflower, and Black Sampson, is an easy to
grow flower that produces beautiful deep ...Read

Chaters Mix Hollyhock
Price: 16.95The Hollyhock 'Chater's Mix', Alcea
rosea, has a wide array of flower colors including
pink, red and yellow. The Hollyhock family is made
up of a rather large group that exhibits t...Read

August Moon Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘August Moon’, Hosta
sieboldiana, has wide, heart-shaped gold colored
foliage with slightly rippled margins, making it
very striking. The white to pale lavender flowers

Elegans Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta 'Elegans', Hosta
sieboldiana, is an extra large Hosta with
heart-shaped leaves. Being blue-green in color, it
has a heavy, deeply tucked texture with powdery like
cast wh...Read

Francis Williams Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Francis Williams’, Hosta
sieboldiana, is a large Hosta with wide yellow
margins that surround blue-green centers, making it
very striking. The white flowers bloom from J...Read

Prairie Dusk Penstemon
Price: 15.95The Penstemon ‘Prairie Dusk’,
Penstemon barbatus, has tall vivid purple tubular
blooms and dark green leathery foliage. Blooming in
early summer, it has a plant height of 30” and a...Read

Pink Peony
Price: 18.95The Pink Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white. Pe...Read

Red Peony
Price: 18.95The Red Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white.

Purple Coneflower
Price: 15.95The Echinacea ‘Purple Coneflower’,
Echinacea purpurea, is an easy to grow flower that
produces beautiful lavender to purple daisy-like
flowers. Coneflowers produce large, fragrant...Read

Gold Standard Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta 'Gold Standard', Hosta
fortunei, has heart-shaped large broad leaves with
creamy yellow and variable dark green margins. The
pinkish, lavender flowers bloom from July to ...Read

White Swan Coneflower
Price: 15.95The Echinacea ‘White Swan’
Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, is an easy to grow
flower that produces beautiful white daisy-like
flowers. The large, fragrant flowers bloom from July

Eruption Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Eruption', grows to 3'
in height and is perfectly names with its explosion
of 8" hot pink flowers. It is one of the best
bloomers in the Fleming Family of Hibiscus. T...Read

White Peony
Price: 18.95The White Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white. P...Read

Halcyon Hosta
Price: 16.95Hosta 'Halcyon', Hosta tardiana, is a
vigorous grower and is known as one of the best blue
Hosta’s. The white to pale lavender flowers bloom
from July to August, however, Hosta’s ...Read

Fantasia Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Fantasia' is one of the
most ruffled Hibiscus in its family. The lavender
gray flowers are a great contrast with its
maple-shaped leaves. It looks great in any settin...Read

Crème Brulee Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Crème Brulee’ is new
to the market and has bright deep yellow flowers
that blooms from June through October. In the
Tickseed family, ‘Crème Brulee’ has larger flowe...Read

Fireball Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Fireball', is the
second most popular Fleming Hibiscus on the market
today, growing to a height of 3-4'. 'Fireball' has
bright burgundy flowers that explode over purp...Read

Little Spire Russian Sage
Price: 17.45The Perovskia ‘Little Spire Sage’,
Perovskia atriplicifolia, is an exciting new variety
to the Sage family. Growing only 3’ high with a
plant spread of 12-18”, it is one that shoul...Read

Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Early Sunrise’,
Coreopsis grandiflora, is a definite superstar among
yellow flowers. This All-American Selections Gold
Metal Award Winner has yellow flowers flush to...Read

Heavy Metal Switch Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Heavy Metal Switch Grass',
Panicum virgatum, is also known as Blue Switch
Grass. The 'Heavy Metal' switch grass has a striking
metallic blue leaf color. It has a very up...Read

Indian Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Indian Grass', Sorghastrum
nutans, is a clump forming native grass that reaches
4-5' in height. Indian grass is one of the most
important native tall grasses. There are ...Read

Moonbeam Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’, Coreopsis
verticillata, is the most popular perennial in its
family. ‘Moonbeam’ was named Perennial of the Year
in 1995 and one can see why. With its clus...Read

Ann Chowning Iris
Price: 16.95The Iris ‘Ann Chowning’ has intense
velvety red flowers with deep yellow signals. With a
velvety texture and beautiful evergreen foliage, it
has a plant height of 36” and a width o...Read

Little Bluestem Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Little Bluestem',
Schizachyrium scoparium, is a native American
prairie grass. It is also know as "Sagegrass" or
"Beard grass'. It can reach up to 3-4' and has a

Northern Pampas Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Northern Pampas Grass',
Erianthus ravennae, grass is an outstanding plant.
The tall flower stalks of this grass stand well
above the foliage. The foliage grows in an arc...Read

Northern Sea Oats Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Northern Sea Oats',
Chasmanthium latifolium, is upright and arching. It
is treasured for its showy, dropping flowers and
slender, bamboo-like foliage that changes from g...Read

Becky Shasta Daisy
Price: 17.45The Daisy 'Shasta' Leucanthemum
‘Becky Daisy’, leucanthemum superbum, is the longest
blooming daisy in the Leucanthemum family. With
bright, large, white beautiful flowers held abo...Read

Cathrine Woodbury Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Catherine
Woodbury’, also known as a Daylily, has very
fragrant lightly ruffled, orchid-lavender petals
with a wide green throat and a flower size of 4.5”.
With d...Read

Black Gamecock Iris
Price: 16.95The Iris ‘Black Gamecock’ has intense
blue-black 4” blooms accented with a band of yellow.
With a velvety texture and beautiful evergreen
foliage, it has a plant height of 5’ and a...Read

Oriental Ftn Tall Tales Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Oriental Fountain Grass
Tall Tales', Pennisetum orientale ‘Tall Tales’, is
upright and arching. Wonderful in the border
plantings or in planters, this beautiful and eleg...Read

Mary Todd Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Mary Todd’, also
known as a Daylilly, has a wonderful bright yellow
flower with a green throat. Lightly ruffled and
crimped, it has a flower size of 4.5”. With da...Read

Alma Potschke Aster
Price: 16.95The Aster ‘Alma Potschke’, Aster
novae-angliae, displays a beautiful bright neon rose
pink daisy-like flower that are about quarter-sized.
The flowers blooms in early fall to fros...Read

Strawberry Candy Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’,
also known as a Daylily, has a wonderful
strawberry-pink flower with rosy-red eye zone with a
golden green throat and ruffled edges. It has a f...Read

Bridal Veil Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Bridal Veil’, Astilbe
arendsii, is a colorful feathery flower with white
blooms and lacy deep green on bronze-green foliage.
The flowers contrast wonderfully with its...Read

Fanal Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Fanal’, Astilbe
arendsii, is a colorful feathery flower with deep
red blooms and lacy deep green or bronze-green
foliage. The foliage in spring is mahogany but as

Butter and Sugar Iris
Price: 16.95The Iris ‘Butter and Sugar’, Iris
siberica, has creamy white butter-yellow flowers
with greenish yellow veins. Blooming from late
spring into summer, it has a plant height of 28”

Caesars Brother Iris
Price: 16.95The Iris ‘Caesar's Brother’, Iris
siberica, has rich, deep intense blue flowers with
slightly bluish-green leaves. Blooming from late
spring into summer, it has a plant height of 3...Read

Brise dAnjou Jacobs Ladder
Price: 18.95The Polemonium ‘Brise d'Anjou Jacob's
Ladder’, Polemonium caeruleum, has variegated,
fern-like foliage and large, single, light
violet-blue flowers. The light violet-blue flowers

Shenandoah Switch Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Shenandoah Switch
Grass',Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah', has a
burgundy-red color to the foliage.This one starts
out red in June, by mid-summer it looks like
Bloodgrass, ...Read

The Blues Little Bluestem Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Blues Little Bluestem
Grass', Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues', has
attractive deep blue foliage.The fall color is a
burgundy red. It works well in mass plantings.It ...Read

Rheinland Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Rheinland’, Astilbe
japonica, has wonderful clear pink flowers with mid
green foliage changing to green in the spring. The
flowers contrast wonderfully with the gloss...Read

Shell Pink Balloon Flower
Price: 15.95The Platycodon ‘Shell Pink Balloon
Flower’,Platycodon grandiflorum, is a low growing
perennial with light pink balloon like flowers that
bloom in late May until August. (The flower...Read

Gardenview Scarlet Bee Balm
Price: 15.95The Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet',
Monarda didyma, also known as Bee Balm, Bergamont,
Horsemint, Oswego Tea, is a clump-forming perennial
that has tubular, two-lipped, red rose flo...Read

Pink Turtlehead
Price: 15.95The Chelone ‘Pink Turtlehead’,
Chelone obliqua, is a deep carmine pink wildflower
that resembles snapdragons and heads of turtles. The
dark green foliage makes ‘Pink Turtlehead’ be...Read

Marshall Delight Bee Balm
Price: 15.95The Monarda ‘Marshall's
Delight’,Monarda didyma, also known as Bee Balm,
Bergamont, Horsemint, Oswego Tea, is a clump-forming
perennial that has tubular, two-lipped, hot pink