Henryi Clematis
Price: 18.95The Clematis ‘Henryi’, Lanuginosa X
group, has white flowers with brown anthers that
bloom in June and September and range in height of
10-12’ and a spread of 3’. The red flowers a...Read

Aureomarginata Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta Aureomarginata, Hosta
fortunei, has a heart-shaped deep green foliage with
a yellow band. The purple flowers bloom from July to
August, however, Hosta’s are not known onl...Read

Elegans Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta 'Elegans', Hosta
sieboldiana, is an extra large Hosta with
heart-shaped leaves. Being blue-green in color, it
has a heavy, deeply tucked texture with powdery like
cast wh...Read

Francis Williams Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Francis Williams’, Hosta
sieboldiana, is a large Hosta with wide yellow
margins that surround blue-green centers, making it
very striking. The white flowers bloom from J...Read

Snow in Summer
Price: 15.95The Cerastium ‘Snow in Summer’,
Cerastium tomentosum, is a wonderful bright-white,
star shaped flower that blooms from last spring to
early summer. The silvery, mat-forming foliage...Read

White Swan Coneflower
Price: 15.95The Echinacea ‘White Swan’
Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, is an easy to grow
flower that produces beautiful white daisy-like
flowers. The large, fragrant flowers bloom from July

Palace Purple Coral Bells
Price: 15.95The Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’,
Heuchera micrantha, also known as Alumroot or Coral
Bell, is one of the most popular Coral Bells on the
market. Being named Perennial of the Year in 1...Read

Plum Pudding Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Heuchera
x ‘Plum Pudding’, also known as a Coral Bell and
Alumroot, has unique pewter gray and silver foliage
with undercurrents of deep purple. In the...Read

White Peony
Price: 18.95The White Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white. P...Read

Dwarf White Striped Sweet Flag Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf White Striped Sweet
Flag', Acorus gramineus Variegatus, is a mounded,
non-invasive rhizone. This old garden favorite loves
moist conditions. The arching sword-like...Read

Silver Scrolls Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Silver Scrolls’,
Heuchera x ‘Silver Scrolls’,also known as a Coral
Bell and Alumroot, has unique plum and silver
foliage with deep purple veins, which mature to

Velvet Night Coral Bells
Price: 16.95The Heuchera 'Velvet Night', Heuchera
x 'Velvet Night', also known as Coral Bells,
Alumroot and Crimson Bells is the darkest of the
dark Coral Bells. This plant virtually glows in ...Read

Red Dragon
Price: 15.95The Persicaria ‘Red Dragon’ is a
wonderful variety in the Persicaria family. With its
superb, variegated maroon leaves with burgundy heart
shaped centers and a white chevron, it ha...Read

Royal Standard Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Royal Standard’ is a
vigorous, large Hosta with dark green leaves, making
this variety very striking. The light lavender
fragrant flowers bloom from July to August, howe...Read

Snow Hill Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘Snow Hill’, Salvia
nemorosa ‘Schneehugel’, has glowing purple stems
loaded with masses of clear white flowers that bloom
from June to October. With its dark green basal...Read

Becky Shasta Daisy
Price: 17.45The Daisy 'Shasta' Leucanthemum
‘Becky Daisy’, leucanthemum superbum, is the longest
blooming daisy in the Leucanthemum family. With
bright, large, white beautiful flowers held abo...Read

Gentle Shepard Daylily
Price: 16.95The Hemerocallis ‘Gentle Shepard’,
also known as a Daylily, has a beautiful creamy
white flower of 5”. With dark green foliage, this
Daylily will reach a height of 12-24” and a pla...Read

Bridal Veil Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Bridal Veil’, Astilbe
arendsii, is a colorful feathery flower with white
blooms and lacy deep green on bronze-green foliage.
The flowers contrast wonderfully with its...Read

Blanca Scabiosa
Price: 15.95The Scabiosa 'Blanca, Scabiosa
Hybrid, is a small flowered form of the Pincushion
Flower and it exhibits a a compact habit. 'Blancat'
is a reminiscent of a pincushion full of pins....Read

White Icicle Speedwell Veronica
Price: 15.95TheVeronica ‘White Icicle’, Veronica
spicata. also known as Speedwell, is an easy to grow
perennial that adds beauty to any garden. This
Veronica produces wonderful white flowers t...Read

Fancy Knickers Dianthus
Price: 15.95The Dianthus 'Fancy Knickers',
Dianthus Hybrid, has elegant white flowers with just
a touch of red in the center. Their very compact
habit and free blooming nature make the 'Fancy ...Read

Ice Pole Diascia
Price: 15.95The Diascia 'Ice Pole', is an
exciting color breakthrough in Twinspurs.Icy white
flowers showcase this plant. Diascia derives it's
Latin name from two words, 'di' meaning two and '...Read

Blue River II Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Blue River II',
Hibiscus moscheutos, is the first true, original,
large, pure white flowering Hibiscus. It has a plant
height of 4-5' and wonderful 10" blooms.The lig...Read

Kopper King Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus ‘Kopper King’, is the
most popular variety of the Fleming Hibiscus. Named
by James Fleming himself, it has a plant height of
4’ and beautiful 12” flowers. The flowers ...Read

Crown Jewels Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Crown Jewels', is the
smallest of the Flemings series. With a plant height
of 2' and 10" blooms, it is one not to miss. The
creamy white flowers have red centers and ...Read

Snowbank Boltonia
Price: 15.95The Boltonia ‘Snowbank’, Boltonia
asteroids, is a beautiful perennial with clouds of
small white daisies (yellow centers) and blue green
foliage. Blooming from July through Septemb...Read

Chocolate Mist Flower
Price: 15.95The Eupatorium ‘Chocolate Mist
Flower’, Eupatorium rugosum, also known as White
Snakeroot, has a shiny, deep purple stem with
chocolate leaves. ‘Chocolate Mist’ is a wonderful

Biokovo Geranium
Price: 16.95The Geranium ‘Biokovo’, Geranium x
cantabrigiense, produces white flowers with light
pink veins and stamens. With its beautiful dark
green foliage, it has a plant width of 12-18” a...Read

Sanguineum Album Geranium
Price: 16.95The Geranium ‘Sanguineum Album’,
Geranium sanguineum, produces pastel blooms. With
its beautiful dark green foliage, it has a plant
width of 18-23” and a height of 6-8”. ‘Sanguineu...Read

Miss Manners Obedient Plant
Price: 17.45The Physostegia ‘Miss Manners’,
Physostegia virginiana, also know as Obedient Plant,
has bright white spiked flowers that are 18” tall
and a plant spread of 18-24”. ‘Miss Manners’ ...Read

Husker Red Penstemon
Price: 15.95The Penstemon ‘Husker Red’, Penstemon
digitalis, is one of the most popular Penstemon in
its family. Being Perennial of the Year in 1996, one
can see why. Best known for its maroon...Read

White Verbena Babylon
Price: 15.95The Verbana Babylon ' White',
displays multitudes of white flowers and is noted
being one the earliest bloomer in the Verbena
family. The family of Babylon Verbenas is also one
of ...Read

White Verbena Tukana
Price: 15.95The Verbena Tukana - White, is dense
and very vigorous, and it sports a thick mat of 2
1/2- to 3-inch bloom clusters from late spring until
frost, transforming any sunny spot into ...Read