Blaze Rose
Price: 19.45The Blaze rose is a low maintenance
rose that has pure red flowers. Blaze roses provide
continuous bloom through fall.It has a mild
fragrance with an average diameter 3". The Blaze...Read

Bonica Rose
Price: 19.45The Bonica rose was voted the World's
Favorite Rose in 1997 by the World Federation of
Rose Societies, and an All America Winner in
1987.The Bonica deserves the acclaim.Bonica rose...Read

Carefee Delight Rose
Price: 19.45The Carefree Delight rose is a
delightful shrub rose that is very free flowering
with vivid pink blooms. It has deep green, glossy
leaves with a rich maroon fall color and lots of ...Read

Carefree Beauty Rose
Price: 19.45The Carefree Beauty rose has an open
bloom and is light Rose Bengal color which ages
lighter. The pleasant fragrant flowers are followed
by round-ovoid orange hips. the plant is vi...Read

Knock Out Rose
Price: 19.45The Knock Out rose is a glowing
example of disease resistance at its best. The cycle
of bloom and growth provides a continuous show of
color from spring until late fall. This maint...Read

Lagerfeld Rose
Price: 19.45The Lagerfeld rose is a great
exhibition rose with high centered silver/lavender
buds. The large flowers expand to 4 to 5 inches and
are produced in sprays of 5-15 flowers.Lagerfel...Read

Seafoam Rose
Price: 19.45The Seafoam rose is great as a
mounding ground cover or small climber. It is very
winter hardy, and has good disease tolerance.Seafoam
roses have small glossy foliage and white blo...Read

Chuckles Rose
Price: 19.45The Chuckles rose is a hardy
Canadian-bred shrub that can be grown as a small
climber or pruned as a bush. Chuckles roses bloom in
clusters.The double fuchsia blooms are 2½" across...Read

Day Breaker Rose
Price: 19.45The Day Breaker rose is a floribunda
rose and AARS Winner for 2004. The large buds are
offset by dark green glossy foliage and are good for
cutting. The blending colors of white, a...Read

Double Delight Rose
Price: 19.45The Double Delight Rose is a very
popular rose with a spicy perfume and big creamy
white blooms that are brushed with hot red. This
easy to grow, bi-colored Hybrid tea is one that ...Read

Gertrude Jekyll Rose
Price: 19.45The Gertrude Jekyll rose has flowers
that start as perfect little scrolled buds and soon
open into the most beautiful, large, rosette-shaped
flowers of rich glowing pink. The growt...Read

Henry Hudson Rose
Price: 19.45The Henry Hudson rose is a rugosa
hybrid shrub rose that is a very neat and tidy bush
that does not overtake it's welcome in the garden
bed. The Henry Hudson blooms repeatedly with...Read

Henry Kelsey CL Rose
Price: 19.45The Henry Kelsey rose has a trailing
and spreading growth habit which is the highlight of
this winter hardy rose. The blooms are a medium red
color and come in clusters of 9 to 13....Read

Honey Perfume Rose
Price: 19.45The Honey Perfume rose has a classic
floribunda form and upright habit. The lovely blooms
of Honey Perfume roses have earned a place in your
garden.It was voted as an AARS Winner f...Read

Iceburg Rose
Price: 19.45The Iceberg rose has plenty of long,
cool-white buds that open as large, double roses on
this Floribunda. The light green glossy foliage
makes a perfect backdrop for these clean wh...Read

Ingrid Bergman Rose
Price: 19.45The Ingrid Berman rose is a luscious
red Hybrid. This tea rose has full, double blooms
with a soft velvety texture.Ingrid Berman roses are
favorites among gardeners for it's deep r...Read

Intrigue Rose
Price: 19.45The Intrigue rose has a scent of
lemon that will fill your garden air with this
Floribunda. This colorful plum rose is pretty and
showy, with attractive glossy green

John Franklin Rose
Price: 19.45The John Franklin rose is a compact,
bushy shrub with deep red, semi-double flowers that
are cupped, fringed and displayed in very large
clusters. This is a non-stop bloomer from s...Read

Just Joey Rose
Price: 19.45The Just Joey rose has a fruity
frangrance which wafts from large ruffled apricot
blooms. Thsi superstar rose is from England.Just
Joey roses were inducted into the Hall of Fame by...Read

Memorial Day Rose
Price: 19.45The Memorial Day rose has long stems,
big blooms, and good vase life which has earned this
hybrid tea rose a place of fame as an AARS winner
for 2004. The rose is vigorous and easy...Read

Nearly Wild Rose
Price: 19.45The Hearty Wild rose is a hybrid. It
is beautiful and tough. Hearty Wild roses have are a
bushy, hardy, and highly attractive shrub that grows
2' to 3' tall.The large, single-form ...Read

New Dawn Rose
Price: 19.45The New Dawn rose is a strong grower
and is unusually hardy and disease resistant. 'New
Dawn' has long been a favorite climber. New Dawn
roses have double pink, fragrant flowers t...Read

Paradise Rose
Price: 19.45The Paradise rose has unique lavender
blooms splashed with magenta. The blooms are
perfectly complimented by large, glossy foliage.Its
engaging color will enhance the colors in you...Read

Peace Rose
Price: 19.45The Peace rose is the world's most
famous rose. The brilliant yellow and pink flowering
rose was first introduced to the U.S. over fifty
years ago. Peace roses are more popular tod...Read

Playboy Rose
Price: 19.45The Playboy rose has glossy green
foliage, which offsets the large, orange-scarlet
semi-double blooms. Playboy roses bloom very
profusely and are widely grown.It was a Gold Medal

Rambling Red Rose
Price: 19.45The Rambling Red rose is a fully
double rose with rich medium-red blooms borne in
clusters on a vigorous, disease-resistant plant. It
is a winter hardy climber/rambler with strong ...Read

Silver Star Rose
Price: 19.45The Silver Star rose is a strong
growing lavender Grandiflora with good disease
resistance. Silver Star roses have good plant vigor
and disease resistance which set this plant apar...Read

The Dark Lady Rose
Price: 19.45The Dark Lady rose has large, loose
roses of deep red. Dark Lady roses are strongly
fragrant and bloom on plants that have a spreading
habit.It has Mid-green foliage and is free fl...Read

The Fairy Rose
Price: 19.45The Fairy rose has hundreds of shell
pink blooms that appear on a virtually foolproof
shrub. It has been popular since 1932. Fariy roses
have spreading pyramidal clusters of blooms...Read

William Baffin Rose
Price: 19.45The William Baffin rose is a Canadian
Explorer rose with glossy light green foliage,
blooming from early to mid July until frost. It is
an unsented rose which can grow to a height ...Read

WWII Memorial Rose Rose
Price: 19.45The World War II rose dispalys a
distinctive collaboration of soft white with grey
and a tinge of lavender. Worl War II roses have a
beautiful exhibition style high centered bud. T...Read

Zephirine Drouhin Rose
Price: 19.45The Zephirine Drouhin rose has a
fragrance which fills the air with each large bloom.
It prospers in alkaline soil, pollution, and shade.
It's also a beautiful rose, opening large,...Read

Angel Face Rose
Price: 19.45The Angel Face rose has a beautiful
and well balanced Old Rose scent, the quintessential
rose fragrance. It was an AARS winner in 1969.Angel
Face roses have ruffled lavender pink b...Read