Compacta Burning Bush
Price: 17.95The Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus
'Compacta' has an outstanding red fall color. The
deep dark red leaves almost glow with color in the
fall. The plant is shade tolerant but has inf...Read

Bursting Heart Burning Bush
Price: 12.80The Bursting Heart Burning bush,
Euonymus americana 'Bursting Heart', is a unique
shrub. In the spring and summer this shrub quietly
takes the back seat to other seasonal color. Ho...Read

Coral Red Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Coral Red Dogwood, Cornus alba
'Sibirica', has stunning bright red bark which adds
color to the winter garden. It has been given an
Award of Garden Merit (AM), which is for pla...Read

Greytwig Dogwood
Price: 14.60The Gray Dogwood is a deciduous shrub
which typically occurs in moist or rocky ground
along streams, ponds, wet meadows, glade and prairie
margins, thickets and rocky bluffs. It gr...Read

Redosier Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Redosier Dogwood, Cornus sericea,
is a freely spreading shrub with many stems, 3-18'
tall; branching is opposite, young stems (and most
old ones) often bright, smooth, shiny re...Read

Alpine Currant
Price: 17.95The Alpine Currant, Ribes alpinum, is
a very hardy hedge plant that can be kept trimmed to
any desired height from 18 inches to 4 feet. The
abundant green, glossy foliage forms a d...Read