White Butterfly Bush
Price: 11.10The White Butterfly bush, Buddleia
davidii 'Alba', is easily grown in average, medium
wet, well-drained soil in full sun. Even if plants
do not die to the ground in winter, they us...Read

Price: 11.35The Buttonbush, Cephalanthus
occidentalis, is a rounded, 6 to 8 feet tall and
occasionally reaqching 10 to 12 feet tall shrub. It
is very open, almost gangly in habit. Flowers are

Black Chokeberry
Price: 17.95The Black Chokeberry, Aronia
melanocarpa 'black', is an open, upright, spreading,
somewhat rounded but leggy, deciduous shrub which
typically grows 3-6’ tall. It displays clusters ...Read

Red Chokeberry
Price: 17.95The Red Chockecherry, Aronia
arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima', cultivar is a
deciduous shrub which typically grows slowly to 6-8'
tall and is perhaps most noted for its attractive

Coral Red Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Coral Red Dogwood, Cornus alba
'Sibirica', has stunning bright red bark which adds
color to the winter garden. It has been given an
Award of Garden Merit (AM), which is for pla...Read

Greytwig Dogwood
Price: 14.60The Gray Dogwood is a deciduous shrub
which typically occurs in moist or rocky ground
along streams, ponds, wet meadows, glade and prairie
margins, thickets and rocky bluffs. It gr...Read

Redosier Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Redosier Dogwood, Cornus sericea,
is a freely spreading shrub with many stems, 3-18'
tall; branching is opposite, young stems (and most
old ones) often bright, smooth, shiny re...Read

Silky Dogwood
Price: 11.00The Silky Dogwood, Cornus amomum, has
attractive white, greenish-white or yellow flower
clusters in the spring and blue and white fruit in
the fall. This plant tolerates poorly dra...Read

Heavenly Bamboo
Price: 17.95The Heavenly Bamboo, Nadina
domestica, is not a true bamboo but a upright 6-8’
high, semi-evergreen shrub that tends to slowly
sucker at the base, forming colonies. When this

Red Rum Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Red Rum Honeysuckle, Lonicera
maackii, is a deciduous shrub that grows to 8' to
12'. It produces masses of white flowers that mature
to yellow followed by profusion of 1/4" bri...Read

Winter Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Winter Honeysuckle, Lonicera
fragrantissima, is sometimes called Sweet Breath of
Spring. It is extremely fragrant (lemony), with
creamy white flowers that appear in early sprin...Read

Grandiflora Hydrangea
Price: 17.95The Grandiflora Hydrangea, Hydrangea
paniculata, is a common American garden plant and
highly valued for its vigor and bloom dependability.
Sterile flowers appear in August and rem...Read

White Persian Lilac
Price: 13.20The White Persian Lilac, Syringa x
persica 'alba', is a spreading, graceful shrub with
arching branches, reaching 4 to 8 feet in height, 5
to 10 feet spread. This deciduous shrub h...Read

Sweet Mock Orange
Price: 12.80The Sweet Mock Orange, Philadephus
coronarius, is a deciduous shrub. This name is
probably derived from the fragrant white flowers
resembling orange flowers that some species and c...Read

MN Snowflake Mock Orange
Price: 17.95The Minnesota Snowflake Mock Orange,
Philadelphus x virginalis, is a compact, deciduous
shrub that grows to only 3' tall. Features fragrant,
double white flowers that bloom profuse...Read

Abbotswood Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Abbotswood Potentilla, Fruticosa
abbotswood, is a beautiful small mounded shrub that
is ideal for foundation plantings. They are
virtually pest free. The Abbotswood variety has...Read

Diana Rose of Sharon
Price: 19.95The Diana Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus
syriacus Diana, is an upright, deciduous shrub that
is a vigorous, erect, multi-stemmed shrub that
typically grows 8-12' tall. This shrub may als...Read

Jeanne D Arc Rose of Sharon
Price: 19.95The Jeanne D'Arc Rose of Sharon,
Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc, is an upright,
deciduous shrub that is vigorous, erect,
multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall.
This s...Read

Common Snowball Bush
Price: 19.95The Common Snowball Bush, Viburnum
opulus, also called the European Cranberry bush
produces white flowers in late spring. It is a
deciduous thicket-forming Old World shrub. In the

Spice Bush
Price: 17.95The Spicebush, Lindera bezoin, is a
native deciduous shrub with a broad, rounded habit
which typically grows 6-12' high. Clusters of tiny,
aromatic, greenish-yellow flowers bloom a...Read

Snowmound Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Snowmound Spirea, Spiraea
nipponica, is an excellent dwarf shrub, with dense
dark green foliage and masses of pure white flowers
in May. Great for use as a foundation plant, in...Read

Van Houtteis Spiraea
Price: 11.90The Spiraea Van Houttei's, Spiraea
vanhouttei, has a foliage color of a dull bluish
green. Flowers are white in April-May, borne in many
flowered 1-2" diameter umbels. Outstanding ...Read

Arrowwood Viburnum
Price: 19.95The Arrowwood Viburnum, Viburnum
dentatum, is a deciduous shrub which usually grows 6
to 8 feet in height, reaching 15 feet under ideal
conditions. Spread is equal to height. The h...Read

Doublefile Viburnum
Price: 16.20The Doublefile Viburnum, Viburnum
tomentosum, is a lovely shrub that provides a
three-season interest. It has large white, lacy
blooms in spring. Scarlet berries in late summer,

Compact American Cranberrybush
Price: 17.95The Compact American Cranberrybush,
Viburnum. trilobum 'Alfredo', is native, hardy plant
and has edible red fruits in fall, which are great
for making jellies (and of course, for b...Read

Japanese White Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Japanese White', Spiraea
albiflora, has bright green foliage, topped by heavy
clusters of white blooms. This deciduous shrub is
low growing and exhibits a rounded form....Read

Yellow Twig Dogwood
Price: 18.95The Dogwood 'Yellow Twig', Cornus
sericea 'Yellow Twig', is a medium sized shrub with
bright yellow twigs. These yellow twigs provide a
good contrast against any Red-twig with its ...Read

Late Panicle Hydrangea
Price: 17.95The Hydrangea 'Late Panicle',
Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva', This shrub has white
airy flowers that can reach 10-12" in length in late
August. The flowers are a mixture of sterile...Read

Cheyenne Privet
Price: 17.95The Privet 'Cheyenne', Ligustrum
vulgare 'Cheyenne', is the hardiest of this species
even withstanding the rugged winters of Zone 4
locations. It grows into a heavily branched dens...Read

Renaissance Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Renaissance', Spirea
vanhouttei 'Renaissance', has improved disease
resistance. This bridal wreath like plant shares the
same arching displays of snow white flowers as ...Read

Tor Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Tor', Spiraea betuliflia
'Tor', is a compact spirea reaching a height and
width of 2-3 ft. Its tiny white flower clusters are
set against a backdrop of deep green leave...Read

White Bouquet Butterfly Bush
Price: 17.95The Butterfly Bush 'White Bouquet',
Buddleia 'White Bouquet', has fragrant, white flower
panicles 8-12" long form on this somewhat compact
growing butterfly bush. It is a vigorous ...Read

Isanti Dogwood
Price: 18.95The Dogwood 'Isanti', Cornus sericea
'Isanti', is a fine-twigged Dogwood with red bark.
White flowers in late spring are followed by
abundant white fruit. Mounding plants grow 4 to...Read

Ivory Halo Dogwood
Price: 18.95The Dogwood 'Ivory Halo', Cornus alba
'Bailhalo',also known as tatarian dogwood, is a
cultivar that is noted for its compact size,
variegated (white-edged) leaves and bright red tw...Read

Red Twigged Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Dogwood 'Red Twigged', Cornus 'Baileyi',
is a shade tolerant shrub with red bark in winter.
This beautiful red stemmed dogwood has medium green
foliage. The creamy white flower...Read

Darts Gold Ninebark
Price: 17.95The Ninebark 'Dart's Gold',
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold', is named for
its broad three-lobed golden spring foliage, which
turns lime green in the summer. This fine shrub i...Read

Dwarf Ninebark
Price: 17.95The Dwarf Ninebark, Physocarpus
opulifolius 'Nana', is a small shrub that can be
used as a small hedge plant, foundation plant or in
rock gardens. It has white flowers in the sprin...Read

Nugget Ninebark
Price: 19.95The Nugget Ninebark, Physocarpus
opulifolius 'Nugget', is a dense compact shrub of
low to medium size and texture. Its foliage is a
deep golden yellow with a hint of bronze on new ...Read

McKays White Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla 'McKay's White',
Potentilla fruiticosa 'McKay's White', is a
gracefully mounded plant with flowers that are
initially creamy-white, later becoming pure white.

Mohican Viburnum
Price: 19.95The Viburnum 'Mohican', Viburnum
lantana 'Mohican', is an incredibly tough shrub that
is essentially evergreen in warmer climates. The
dark, hairy leaves create a dark background t...Read