White Butterfly Bush
Price: 11.10The White Butterfly bush, Buddleia
davidii 'Alba', is easily grown in average, medium
wet, well-drained soil in full sun. Even if plants
do not die to the ground in winter, they us...Read
Claret Purple Butterfly Bush
Price: 17.95The Purple Butterfly Bush, Buddleia
davidii 'ile de France', is a butterfly magnet. This
bush flowers summer and fall and is easy to grow.
With a name like Butterfly Bush you might...Read
Black Chokeberry
Price: 17.95The Black Chokeberry, Aronia
melanocarpa 'black', is an open, upright, spreading,
somewhat rounded but leggy, deciduous shrub which
typically grows 3-6’ tall. It displays clusters ...Read
Redosier Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Redosier Dogwood, Cornus sericea,
is a freely spreading shrub with many stems, 3-18'
tall; branching is opposite, young stems (and most
old ones) often bright, smooth, shiny re...Read
Silky Dogwood
Price: 11.00The Silky Dogwood, Cornus amomum, has
attractive white, greenish-white or yellow flower
clusters in the spring and blue and white fruit in
the fall. This plant tolerates poorly dra...Read
American Elderberry
Price: 17.95The American Elderberry, Sambucus
canadensis, is a deciduous, upright shrub. It
produces black or purple berries that are great for
wildlife and jams and jellies. It has light gray...Read
Red Rum Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Red Rum Honeysuckle, Lonicera
maackii, is a deciduous shrub that grows to 8' to
12'. It produces masses of white flowers that mature
to yellow followed by profusion of 1/4" bri...Read
Winter Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Winter Honeysuckle, Lonicera
fragrantissima, is sometimes called Sweet Breath of
Spring. It is extremely fragrant (lemony), with
creamy white flowers that appear in early sprin...Read
False Indigo Indigo Bush
Price: 17.95The False Indigo Bush, Amorpha
fruticosa, is a somewhat leggy shrub, whose height
can range from 6 to 20 feet tall,and 5 to 15 feet
wide. Fragrant foliage has the compound pinnate ...Read
Chinese South Privet
Price: 13.40The Chinese South Privet, Ligustrum
sinense, is an abundant semi-evergreen small tree or
large shrub, most commonly found invading the
understory of moist areas. Copious amounts of...Read
Common Snowball Bush
Price: 19.95The Common Snowball Bush, Viburnum
opulus, also called the European Cranberry bush
produces white flowers in late spring. It is a
deciduous thicket-forming Old World shrub. In the
Goldflame Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spiraea ‘Gold Flame’, Spiraea x
bumalda, is easily grown in average, medium wet,
well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It
tolerates a wide range of soils. Prune in late ...Read
Flameleaf Sumac
Price: 17.95The Flameleaf Sumac, Rhus copallina,
is a shrub or occasionally a small tree. When left
alone it will often form thickets. It is widespread
in open uplands along fence rows and in ...Read
Fragrant Sumac
Price: 19.95The Fragrant Sumac, Rhus aromatica,
is a small shrub, most commonly encountered on
limestone uplands, occasionally on acidic sites. It
occasionally reaches tree size. Fragrant suma...Read
Smooth Sumac
Price: 17.95The Smooth Sumac, Rhus glabra, is a
shade-intolerant pioneer on heavily disturbed sites,
and is particularly common along road and railroad
rights-of-way. Usually in clumps of sev...Read
Arrowwood Viburnum
Price: 19.95The Arrowwood Viburnum, Viburnum
dentatum, is a deciduous shrub which usually grows 6
to 8 feet in height, reaching 15 feet under ideal
conditions. Spread is equal to height. The h...Read
Pink Weigela
Price: 11.90The Pink Weigela, Weigela florida, is
a deciduous shrub that is prized for its showy
bell-shaped flowers and spreading, arching growth
habit. Leaves are dark green, oval and tapere...Read
Red Prince Weigela
Price: 19.95The Red Prince Weigela, Weigela
florida Red Prince, is a deciduous shrub with dark
red flowers. It is a full sized plant with good
hardiness. The red flowers hold late into the sea...Read
Variegated Weigela
Price: 17.95The Variegated Wiegela, Weigela
florida 'Variegata', has a compact habit, growing
4-6' high and wide. It has grey leaves with
yellow/cream fringes, and dark pink flowers. This