Frobeli Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Frobeli Spirea, Spiraea x
bumalda, has new foliage that is purplish with
bright pink to red early summer flowers. Vigorous
grower with bright purplish-pink flowers in

Goldflame Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spiraea ‘Gold Flame’, Spiraea x
bumalda, is easily grown in average, medium wet,
well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It
tolerates a wide range of soils. Prune in late ...Read

Little Princess Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spiraea ‘Little Princess’,
Spiraea japonica, is easily grown in average, medium
wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It
tolerates a wide range of soils. Prune in l...Read

Snowmound Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Snowmound Spirea, Spiraea
nipponica, is an excellent dwarf shrub, with dense
dark green foliage and masses of pure white flowers
in May. Great for use as a foundation plant, in...Read

Van Houtteis Spiraea
Price: 11.90The Spiraea Van Houttei's, Spiraea
vanhouttei, has a foliage color of a dull bluish
green. Flowers are white in April-May, borne in many
flowered 1-2" diameter umbels. Outstanding ...Read

Goldmound Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Goldmound', Spiraea x
'Goldmound', this colorful plant provides an
exceptional accent or contrast in your foundation
planting or shrub border. Brilliant foliage holds

Japanese White Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Japanese White', Spiraea
albiflora, has bright green foliage, topped by heavy
clusters of white blooms. This deciduous shrub is
low growing and exhibits a rounded form....Read

Magic Carpet Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Magic Carpet', Spirea
japonica 'Magic Carpet', is a colorful shrub that
fits almost anywhere in the landscape. In spring the
leaf shoots emerge vibrant red, maturing in...Read

Anthony Waterer Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Anthony Waterer', Spiraea
x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer', has flat-topped heads
of rosy-pink flowers that cover the top of this
dwarf shrub, backed by bright green foliage...Read

Crisp Leaf Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Crisp Leaf', Spiraea x
bumalda 'Crispa', have pink flowers in large
clusters. One of its distinquishing characteristics
is the new growth, which is burgundy-red.Disting...Read

Daphne Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Daphne', Spiraea japonica
'Alpina', exhibits small leaves on short, wiry
branches, each tipped with a cluster of light pink
flowers. It is a refined, tidy groundcover p...Read

Darts Red Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Dart's Red', Spiraea x
bumalda 'Dart's Red', is a deciduous semi-evergreen
shrub. It is a low growing shrub with rounded shape.
The thin branches give Dart's Red a very...Read

Renaissance Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Renaissance', Spirea
vanhouttei 'Renaissance', has improved disease
resistance. This bridal wreath like plant shares the
same arching displays of snow white flowers as ...Read

Tor Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Tor', Spiraea betuliflia
'Tor', is a compact spirea reaching a height and
width of 2-3 ft. Its tiny white flower clusters are
set against a backdrop of deep green leave...Read