Pink Tatarian Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Pink Tatarian Honeysuckle,
Lonicera tatarica, originated in Southern Russia and
Turkistan. Tatarian Honeysuckle is a tolerant,
reliable shrub with good flowering and fruiting h...Read

Oakleaf Hydrangea
Price: 17.95The Oakleaf Hydrangea, Hydrangea
quercifolia, is an upright, deciduous shrub with a
broad, rounded habit that typically grows 4-6' tall.
It features elongated white flowers which s...Read

Miss Canada Lilac
Price: 17.72The Miss Canada Lilac,Syringa x
prestoniae, is a spreading, graceful shrub with
arching branches, reaching 6 to 9 feet in height, 5
to 8 feet spread. Foliage is dark green with a b...Read

Pink Flowering Almond
Price: 19.95The Pink Flowering Almond, Prunus
glandulosa rosea plena, is a small shrub that
flowers in early spring with a display of very light
pink flowers before the leaves appear. It grows...Read

Pink Pussy Willow
Price: 11.90The Pink Pussy Willow, Salix discolor
rosea, this form of Pussy Willow has pale pink
catkins. This fast growing shrub is suitable for wet
areas grow well in almost any soil. They r...Read

Silver Pussy Willow
Price: 11.90The Silver Pussy Willow, Salix
chaenomeloides, is a handsome shrub with large red
flower buds that develop into silky pink catkins.
Reddish brown leaves mature to a dark blue green...Read

Aphrodite Rose of Sharon
Price: 19.95The Aphrodite Rose of Sharon,
Hibiscus syriacus, is an upright, deciduous shrub
that is a vigorous, erect, multi-stemmed shrub that
typically grows 8-12' tall. This shrub may also ...Read

Paeonyflorus Rose of Sharon
Price: 19.95The Paeonyflorus Rose of Sharon,
Hibiscus syriacus Paeonyflorus, is an upright,
deciduous shrub that is a vigorous, erect,
multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall.

Frobeli Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Frobeli Spirea, Spiraea x
bumalda, has new foliage that is purplish with
bright pink to red early summer flowers. Vigorous
grower with bright purplish-pink flowers in

Goldflame Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spiraea ‘Gold Flame’, Spiraea x
bumalda, is easily grown in average, medium wet,
well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It
tolerates a wide range of soils. Prune in late ...Read

Little Princess Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spiraea ‘Little Princess’,
Spiraea japonica, is easily grown in average, medium
wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It
tolerates a wide range of soils. Prune in l...Read

Pink Weigela
Price: 11.90The Pink Weigela, Weigela florida, is
a deciduous shrub that is prized for its showy
bell-shaped flowers and spreading, arching growth
habit. Leaves are dark green, oval and tapere...Read

Variegated Weigela
Price: 17.95The Variegated Wiegela, Weigela
florida 'Variegata', has a compact habit, growing
4-6' high and wide. It has grey leaves with
yellow/cream fringes, and dark pink flowers. This

Goldmound Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Goldmound', Spiraea x
'Goldmound', this colorful plant provides an
exceptional accent or contrast in your foundation
planting or shrub border. Brilliant foliage holds

Magic Carpet Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Magic Carpet', Spirea
japonica 'Magic Carpet', is a colorful shrub that
fits almost anywhere in the landscape. In spring the
leaf shoots emerge vibrant red, maturing in...Read

Pink Delight Butterfly Bush
Price: 17.95The Butterfly Bush 'Pink Delight',
Buddleia 'Pink Delight', has fragrant, deep pink
flowers on a compact growing butterfly bush. The
leaves are grayish green to add interest. It is...Read

Anthony Waterer Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Anthony Waterer', Spiraea
x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer', has flat-topped heads
of rosy-pink flowers that cover the top of this
dwarf shrub, backed by bright green foliage...Read

Crisp Leaf Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Crisp Leaf', Spiraea x
bumalda 'Crispa', have pink flowers in large
clusters. One of its distinquishing characteristics
is the new growth, which is burgundy-red.Disting...Read

Daphne Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Daphne', Spiraea japonica
'Alpina', exhibits small leaves on short, wiry
branches, each tipped with a cluster of light pink
flowers. It is a refined, tidy groundcover p...Read

Hancock Coralberry
Price: 17.95The Hancock Coralberry,
Symphoricarpos x chenaultii 'Hancock', is easily
grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in
full sun to part shade. It will tolerates wide range
of ...Read

Chinese Lilac
Price: 17.95The Chinese Lilac, Syringa Chinensis,
is a large round-headed shrub that can be used as a
single specimen or as a background border or
screening planting. It produces an excellent ...Read

James Macfarlane Lilac
Price: 19.95The Lilac 'James Macfarlane', Syringa
presoniae 'James Macfarlane', blooms two weeks later
than Syringa vulgaris types. The true single pink
flowers bloom freely. It is extremely h...Read

Java Red Weigela
Price: 17.95The Wiegela 'Java Red', Weigela
florida 'Java Red', is one of the oldest Wiegelas.
It is a dwarf, only rarely exceeding four feet of
height, making it at its biggest half the size ...Read