About the Dianthus -
Baths Pink :
The Dianthus ‘Bath’s Pink’, Dianthus
gratianopolitanus, is a beautiful soft, light pink
flower. ‘Bath’s Pink’ was the 1999 Theodore Kein
Plant Award Winner, and one can see why. With its
grassy blue-gray foliage and profuse blooming time,
‘Bath’s Pink’ is one not to miss. Dianthus ‘Bath’s
Pink’ has a plant spread of 6-8” and a height of 6”.
Dianthus will bloom from mid summer to early fall.
In order for a longer bloom time, deadhead the
blooms continuously throughout the summer.
Dianthus needs a sunny site with well-drained
soil, but will tolerate some shade in the afternoon
and humidity. These fragrant, spicy dove like
flowers look wonderful as a border plant, rock
gardens, along walks or paths, for edging and a
definite in cottage gardens.