About the Mountain
Laurel :
The Mountain Laurel, Kalmia latifolia, is a
native American plant. Its natural beauty in a
woodland setting is a spring delight. It is the
state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylvania. As a
result of years of hybridizing and research there
are over 80 known varieties. Mountain Laurel is an
evergreen flowering shrub. It grows upright and has
beautiful tough glossy foliage. The plants will set
buds as early as fall. The buds progress into dainty
candy like flowers in the spring (May though July).
The plants are striking in the contrast between
the buds and flowers. This plant can withstand below
zero temperatures and it is sun loving. However, the
root systems are fine and shallow. Therefore, there
is a need to protect the roots from too much heat
and fertilizer. To ensure that the Mountain Laurel
you choose flourishes in your garden here are some
tips: Plant high and mulch well. Provide shade for
the roots with companion plants or with mulch. Water
often during growth periods, do not let the plant
dry out. Maintain well drained, acidic soil with
ample humus.