About the Delphinium -
Butterfly Blue :
The Delphinium ‘Butterfly Blue’, Delphinium
grandiflora, has a wonderful true sky blue flower
that reaches a height of 10” and a plant spread of
15-18”. This deep, gentian-blue trumpet shaped
flower is a great contrast with is forest-green
slender foliage, blooming early to mid summer.
‘Butterfly Blue’ makes a great border plant, for
rock gardens, as cut flowers in small vases or as a
container plant.
Delphinium ‘Butterfly Blue’ needs a rich moist
soil that is well drained in a sunny location and
should never experience drought. A must for any
cottage garden, remove spent heads to produce more
growth throughout the season. Try ‘Butterfly Blue’
with Hibiscus ‘Blue River II’ or Leucanthemum ‘Becky