Palace Purple Coral Bells
Price: 15.95The Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’,
Heuchera micrantha, also known as Alumroot or Coral
Bell, is one of the most popular Coral Bells on the
market. Being named Perennial of the Year in 1...Read

Plum Pudding Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Heuchera
x ‘Plum Pudding’, also known as a Coral Bell and
Alumroot, has unique pewter gray and silver foliage
with undercurrents of deep purple. In the...Read

Purple Petticoats Coral Bells
Price: 15.95The Heuchera 'Purple Petticoats',
Heuchera micrantha, also known as Coral Bells,
Alumroot and Crimson Bells is a robust, stocky
Heuchera that's easy and reliable. This plant is

Eruption Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Eruption', grows to 3'
in height and is perfectly names with its explosion
of 8" hot pink flowers. It is one of the best
bloomers in the Fleming Family of Hibiscus. T...Read

White Peony
Price: 18.95The White Peony, Paeonia lactiflora.
Although there are many Peonies on the market in
this day and age, at this time we have chosen
unnamed varieties, simply pink, red and white. P...Read

Argentus Thyme
Price: 15.95The Thyme 'Thymus vulgaris
'Argenteus' displays a pale gray green foliage edged
with bright white. This Thyme is a cool-color
stunner with a semi-trailing habit.It should be

Golden Tiara Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ has
heart-shaped green leaves with wide chartreuse and
white margins foliage, making it very striking. The
dusky lavender flowers bloom from July to August...Read

Halcyon Hosta
Price: 16.95Hosta 'Halcyon', Hosta tardiana, is a
vigorous grower and is known as one of the best blue
Hosta’s. The white to pale lavender flowers bloom
from July to August, however, Hosta’s ...Read

June Hosta
Price: 15.95The Hosta 'June', Sport of H. Hacyon,
displays leaves with a green edge and are have gold
colored centers. The fragrant violet flowers flowers
bloom from July to August, however, H...Read

Lancifolia Hosta
Price: 15.95The Hosta ‘Lancifolia’ was reported
to be the first Hosta in America. The oval to
lance-shaped, shiny green and slightly wavy foliage,
makes this variety very striking. The dark pu...Read

Patriot Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Patriot’, Hosta fortunei,
has heart-shaped, glossy medium green leaves with a
large white margin, making this variety very
striking. The Hosta flowers bloom from July to...Read

Pineapple Poll Hosta
Price: 15.95The Hosta 'Pineapple Poll' exhibits
intriguingly twisted and undulating leaves with an
upright habit. The dark green leaves are heavily
rippled and have good slug resistance. Leave...Read

Dwarf Fountain Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf Fountain Grass',
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'. The dwarf
fountain grass 'Hameln' is a great grass for a
specimen or in mass plantings. The leaves are narrow

Dwarf Variegated Ribbon Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf Variegated Ribbon
grass', Phalaris arundinacea dwarf garters, is an
outstanding, upright arching grass. It is similar to
'Strawberries and Cream', except the white...Read

Dwarf White Striped Sweet Flag Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf White Striped Sweet
Flag', Acorus gramineus Variegatus, is a mounded,
non-invasive rhizone. This old garden favorite loves
moist conditions. The arching sword-like...Read

Evergold Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Evergold Sedge', Carex
hoshimensis 'Evergold' is a mounded grass. A
Japanese sedge that forms a low cascading clump of
evergreen leathery leaves with a sunny

Feather Reed Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Feather Reed Grass',
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster', is a
beautiful upright grass. 'Karl Forester' is a cool
season grower with dark green, shiny foliage tha...Read

Golden Fruited Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Golden Fruited Sedge',
Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex aurea, is a mounded sedge
grass. A sedge with beautiful silver foliage and
showy spring flowers that yield bright yello...Read

Fantasia Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Fantasia' is one of the
most ruffled Hibiscus in its family. The lavender
gray flowers are a great contrast with its
maple-shaped leaves. It looks great in any settin...Read

Silver Scrolls Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Silver Scrolls’,
Heuchera x ‘Silver Scrolls’,also known as a Coral
Bell and Alumroot, has unique plum and silver
foliage with deep purple veins, which mature to

Snow Angel Coral Bells
Price: 17.45The Heuchera ‘Snow Angel’, Heuchera
sanguinea,also known as Alumroot or Coral Bell, has
unique light green marbled foliage with light cream
variegation. In the springtime, pinkish-...Read

Strawberry Swirls Coral Bells
Price: 15.95The Heuchera 'Strawberry Swirl,
Heuchera x 'Strawberry Swirl', also known as Coral
Bells, Alumroot and Crimson Bells, have ruffled
green leaves overlaid with silver veining. They a...Read

Velvet Night Coral Bells
Price: 16.95The Heuchera 'Velvet Night', Heuchera
x 'Velvet Night', also known as Coral Bells,
Alumroot and Crimson Bells is the darkest of the
dark Coral Bells. This plant virtually glows in ...Read

American Dream Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘American Dream’,
Coreopsis rosea, has a rosy pink daisy-like flower
with a yellow center. In the Tickseed family, the
dark green fernlike, thin and delicate foliage ...Read

Crème Brulee Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Crème Brulee’ is new
to the market and has bright deep yellow flowers
that blooms from June through October. In the
Tickseed family, ‘Crème Brulee’ has larger flowe...Read

Fireball Hibiscus
Price: 19.95The Hibiscus 'Fireball', is the
second most popular Fleming Hibiscus on the market
today, growing to a height of 3-4'. 'Fireball' has
bright burgundy flowers that explode over purp...Read

Coral Red Verbena pedula Superbena
Price: 15.95The Verbena pedulla superba - (Coral
Red), displays coral red super large flowers. It
exhibits strong and vigorous growth and combines
mildew resistance which are Superbena's speci...Read

Red Dragon
Price: 15.95The Persicaria ‘Red Dragon’ is a
wonderful variety in the Persicaria family. With its
superb, variegated maroon leaves with burgundy heart
shaped centers and a white chevron, it ha...Read

Little Spire Russian Sage
Price: 17.45The Perovskia ‘Little Spire Sage’,
Perovskia atriplicifolia, is an exciting new variety
to the Sage family. Growing only 3’ high with a
plant spread of 12-18”, it is one that shoul...Read

Blue Hills Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘Blue Hills’, Salvia
nemorosa ‘Blauhugel’, has glowing purple stems
loaded with true blue flowers that bloom from June
to October. With its gray-green aromatic foliage,

Caradonna Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘Caradonna’, Salvia
nemorosa, has glowing purple stems loaded with
violet-purple flowers that bloom from June to
October. With its gray-green aromatic foliage, it
makes ...Read

East Friesland Salvia
Price: 15.95The Salvia ‘East Friesland’, Salvia
nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland’, has glowing purple stems
loaded with violet-purple flowers that bloom from
June to October. With its blue-green, lance-...Read

Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Early Sunrise’,
Coreopsis grandiflora, is a definite superstar among
yellow flowers. This All-American Selections Gold
Metal Award Winner has yellow flowers flush to...Read

Golden Toupee Fescue Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Golden Toupee Fescue',
Festuca ovina glauca 'Golden Toupee', is a beautiful
tufted ornamental grass. A superb choice for a showy
border planting or rock garden, the tigh...Read

Royal Standard Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Royal Standard’ is a
vigorous, large Hosta with dark green leaves, making
this variety very striking. The light lavender
fragrant flowers bloom from July to August, howe...Read

Golden Variegated Hakone Grass
Price: 16.95The Grass 'Golden Variegeted Hakone
Grass', Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola', is a mounded
non-invasive rhizome grass. It has brilliant yellow,
bamboo-like foliage streaked with green l...Read

Golden Variegated Sweet Flag Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Golden Variegated Sweet
Flag', Acorus gramineus Ogon, is a mounded,
non-invasive rhizome grass. It is great for
containers, edging or as a groundcover. Fragrant,
butter ...Read

Green Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Green Sedge', Carex
dipsacea, is a mounded sedge. It is striking and
versatile. Green Sedge features slender, iridescent
olive green leaves.It does well in a variety of ...Read

Heavy Metal Switch Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Heavy Metal Switch Grass',
Panicum virgatum, is also known as Blue Switch
Grass. The 'Heavy Metal' switch grass has a striking
metallic blue leaf color. It has a very up...Read

Horsetail Rush Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Horsetail Rush', Equisetum
hyemele, is an upright mounded, clumping rhizome. An
ancient plant with bushy, slender stems and a
weeping habit. When young, the slender stem...Read

Indian Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Indian Grass', Sorghastrum
nutans, is a clump forming native grass that reaches
4-5' in height. Indian grass is one of the most
important native tall grasses. There are ...Read

Limerock Passions Coreopsis
Price: 16.95The Coreopsis ‘Limerock Passions’ is
a sport of Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby'. It has
beautiful lavender pink, glossy flowers that cover
the finely cut foliage. The dark green thread-l...Read

Limerock Ruby Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’ has
beautiful rosy red, glossy flowers that cover the
finely cut foliage. The dark green thread-like
foliage makes a great contrast with its flower co...Read

Moonbeam Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’, Coreopsis
verticillata, is the most popular perennial in its
family. ‘Moonbeam’ was named Perennial of the Year
in 1995 and one can see why. With its clus...Read

Pink Coreopsis
Price: 15.95The Coreopsis 'Pink', Coreopsis rosea,
is the first pink, with a yellow center, flowering
variety of the Coreopsis family. In the Tickseed
family, the daisy like blooms flower from...Read

Marcus Salvia
Price: 17.45The Salvia ‘Marcus’, Salvia nemorosa,
is a new dwarf version of the Salvia ‘May Night’.
With its compact, dense habit of growing, it is easy
to accommodate in any perennial garden....Read

Variegata Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Variegata’, Hosta
undulata, has dramatic, narrow, lance-shaped wavy
leaves with white centers edged in green, making it
very striking. The Hosta flowers bloom from July ...Read

Wide Brim Hosta
Price: 16.95The Hosta ‘Wide Brim’ has a deep
blue-green center with very wide, irregular margins
of cream with gold tints at maturity, making it very
striking. The lavender flowers bloom from ...Read

Hardy Ice Plant
Price: 15.95The Delosperma ‘Hardy Ice Plant’,
Delosperma cooperi, is a wonderful ground cover that
has single, deep rose to purple blooms. The foliage,
said to make this plant a real winner, i...Read

Icicles Licorice
Price: 15.95The Licorice Plant, Helichrysum
thianschanicum, is ideal for adding texture and
structure to the front of borders. It exhibits long,
narrow, velvety silver-colored foliage. Licoric...Read