Kale - Dwarf
Blue Curled :
The Kale Dwarf
Blue Curled, 'Brassica
oleraceae (Acephala)',
is very nutritious,
tasty, and simple to
grow. Add the Dwarf
Ble Curled Kale to
soup, or stir-fry or
steam. Dwarf Blue
Curled Kale is
extremely hardy and
will overwinter in
all but the coldest
climates. Like most
"green", it grows
best in cool weather
but will also
withstand some heat.
The flavor of this
"cut and come again"
crop is actually
improved by frost.
You will really
enjoy the flavor of
Kale in winter
Plant in the
spring, 4 weeks
before the last
expected frost or 10
to 12 weeks before
first fall frost.
Kale tastes best
when grown in the
fall. The soil needs
to be well drained
and have lots of
organic matter. Kale
can be harvested by
cutting off the
entire plant or by
stripping off the
lower leaves.