Bean Pole -
Snap - Kentucky Blue
The Bean Pole
Snap Kentucky Blue,
'Phaseolus vulgaris',
is a 1991 All
America Winner. The
parents are Kentucky
Wonder/Blue Lake and
they provide a
sweetened taste. The
Kentucky Blue, like
most pole beans,
produces all season
and is earlier than
most pole beans.
This snap bean is
very resistant to
rusts and mosaic
virus. In addition,
the pole snap beans
will use less garden
space by growing
vertically on a
pole, trellis, or
teepee made of
Snap beans used
to be called string
beans, but most
varieties today are
stringless. The Pole
Bean Kentucky Blue
is an annual and is
very frost
sensitive. Pole
types have 3 to 7
foot long vines. The
Kentucky Blue has 6
to 8 inch, tender,
dark green, round,
straight pods. Plant
after the last
average frost date.
Pole beans, in very
warm climates, can
be planted in late
August for fall
harvest. Kentucky
Blue beans prefer
rich, organic, well
drained, warm soils.