Crisp Leaf Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Crisp Leaf', Spiraea x
bumalda 'Crispa', have pink flowers in large
clusters. One of its distinquishing characteristics
is the new growth, which is burgundy-red.Disting...Read

Daphne Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Daphne', Spiraea japonica
'Alpina', exhibits small leaves on short, wiry
branches, each tipped with a cluster of light pink
flowers. It is a refined, tidy groundcover p...Read

Cheyenne Privet
Price: 17.95The Privet 'Cheyenne', Ligustrum
vulgare 'Cheyenne', is the hardiest of this species
even withstanding the rugged winters of Zone 4
locations. It grows into a heavily branched dens...Read

Darts Red Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Dart's Red', Spiraea x
bumalda 'Dart's Red', is a deciduous semi-evergreen
shrub. It is a low growing shrub with rounded shape.
The thin branches give Dart's Red a very...Read

Renaissance Spiraea
Price: 19.95The Spirea 'Renaissance', Spirea
vanhouttei 'Renaissance', has improved disease
resistance. This bridal wreath like plant shares the
same arching displays of snow white flowers as ...Read

Tor Spiraea
Price: 17.95The Spirea 'Tor', Spiraea betuliflia
'Tor', is a compact spirea reaching a height and
width of 2-3 ft. Its tiny white flower clusters are
set against a backdrop of deep green leave...Read

Dark Knight Bluebeard
Price: 17.95The Bluebeard 'Dark Knight',
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Dark Knight', is a
mounding deciduous broadleaf shrub. It is drought
tolerant. It displays compact, green leaves.

Emerald Gaiety Burning Bush
Price: 17.95The Euonymus 'Emerald Gaiety',
Euonymus f. 'Emerald Gaiety', has deep green leaves
edged in sparkling white. The leaves are tinged with
pink in winter. This evergreen shrub has a d...Read

Emerald n Gold Burning Bush
Price: 17.95The Euonymus 'Emerald 'n Gold',
Euonymus f.'Emerald n Gold', is an excellent dwarf
evergreen plant. It displays bright variegated green
and gold foliage. It is also tolerant of den...Read

Black Knight Butterfly Bush
Price: 17.95The Butterfly Bush 'Black Knight',
Buddleia 'Black Knight', is a vigorous growing shrub
that boasts dark purple flower from mid-summer and
is a butterfly magnet. This bush flowers ...Read

White Bouquet Butterfly Bush
Price: 17.95The Butterfly Bush 'White Bouquet',
Buddleia 'White Bouquet', has fragrant, white flower
panicles 8-12" long form on this somewhat compact
growing butterfly bush. It is a vigorous ...Read

Isanti Dogwood
Price: 18.95The Dogwood 'Isanti', Cornus sericea
'Isanti', is a fine-twigged Dogwood with red bark.
White flowers in late spring are followed by
abundant white fruit. Mounding plants grow 4 to...Read

Ivory Halo Dogwood
Price: 18.95The Dogwood 'Ivory Halo', Cornus alba
'Bailhalo',also known as tatarian dogwood, is a
cultivar that is noted for its compact size,
variegated (white-edged) leaves and bright red tw...Read

Red Twigged Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Dogwood 'Red Twigged', Cornus
'Baileyi', is a shade tolerant shrub with red bark
in winter. This beautiful red stemmed dogwood has
medium green foliage. The creamy white flower...Read

Meadowlark Forsythia
Price: 17.95The Forsythia 'Meadowlark'. Forsythia
x 'Meadowlark' is noted for the cold-hardiness of
its buds and its blooming ability in exposure to
temperatures that are below-zero. Heavier f...Read

Sunrise Forsythia
Price: 17.95The Forsythia 'Sunrise', Forsythia x
'Sunrise', also known as Border Forsythia and Golden
Bell, is a deciduous shrub noted for its colorful
yellow spring flowers appearing before t...Read

Hancock Coralberry
Price: 17.95The Hancock Coralberry,
Symphoricarpos x chenaultii 'Hancock', is easily
grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in
full sun to part shade. It will tolerates wide range
of ...Read

Chinese Lilac
Price: 17.95The Chinese Lilac, Syringa Chinensis,
is a large round-headed shrub that can be used as a
single specimen or as a background border or
screening planting. It produces an excellent ...Read

James Macfarlane Lilac
Price: 19.95The Lilac 'James Macfarlane', Syringa
presoniae 'James Macfarlane', blooms two weeks later
than Syringa vulgaris types. The true single pink
flowers bloom freely. It is extremely h...Read

Darts Gold Ninebark
Price: 17.95The Ninebark 'Dart's Gold',
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold', is named for
its broad three-lobed golden spring foliage, which
turns lime green in the summer. This fine shrub i...Read

Dwarf Ninebark
Price: 17.95The Dwarf Ninebark, Physocarpus
opulifolius 'Nana', is a small shrub that can be
used as a small hedge plant, foundation plant or in
rock gardens. It has white flowers in the sprin...Read

Nugget Ninebark
Price: 19.95The Nugget Ninebark, Physocarpus
opulifolius 'Nugget', is a dense compact shrub of
low to medium size and texture. Its foliage is a
deep golden yellow with a hint of bronze on new ...Read

Primrose Beauty Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla 'Primrose Beauty',
Potentilla fruiticosa 'Primrose Beauty', is a
deciduous arching shrub with grey-green leaves and
lovely pale primrose yellow flowers. The prolific...Read

Gold Drop Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla' Gold Drop',
Potentilla fruticosa 'Gold Drop', also known as
Buttercup Shrub or Shrubby Cinquefoil, displays
attractive, yellow buttercup flowers all summer.
Gold Dr...Read

Goldfinger Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla 'Goldfinger',
Potentilla Fruticosa 'Goldfinger', is a very popular
cultivar. Its globe shaped flower is nearly 2"
across with deep golden yellow flowers. It blooms

Jackman Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla 'Jackman', Potentilla
fruticosa 'jackmanii', is a compact upright shrub
with brilliant yellow flowers. This deciduous shrub
has deep green leaves that make a beatifu...Read

Katherine Dykes Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla 'Katherine Dykes',
Potentilla fruiticosa 'Katherine Dykes', has medium
green, glaucous foliage.The graceful arching
branches bear lemon yellow 1" blooms. The ease of...Read

McKays White Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Potentilla 'McKay's White',
Potentilla fruiticosa 'McKay's White', is a
gracefully mounded plant with flowers that are
initially creamy-white, later becoming pure white.

Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince
Price: 17.95The Quince 'Texas Scarlet Flowering',
Chaenomeles x 'Texas Scarlet', is one of the first
shrubs to bloom in the spring. It displays glossy,
green foliage which appears soon after p...Read

Mohican Viburnum
Price: 19.95The Viburnum 'Mohican', Viburnum
lantana 'Mohican', is an incredibly tough shrub that
is essentially evergreen in warmer climates. The
dark, hairy leaves create a dark background t...Read

Minuet Weigela
Price: 19.95The Weigela 'Minuet', Weigela florida
'Minuet', is a hardy dwf variety that was developed
in Canada and has green-tinged-purple leaves and
produces a profusion of slightly fragrant...Read

Java Red Weigela
Price: 17.95The Wiegela 'Java Red', Weigela
florida 'Java Red', is one of the oldest Wiegelas.
It is a dwarf, only rarely exceeding four feet of
height, making it at its biggest half the size ...Read

Red Leaf Japanese Barberrt
Price: 17.95The Barberry bush or RedLeaf Japanese
bush, Berberis thunbergii, is a deciduous shrub
reaching up to 24" tall and about 30" wide. The
branches are slender, spiny, and small, and th...Read