Adams Needle
Price: 19.95The Adams Needle bush, Yucca
filamentosa, has stiff evergreen rosettes and are
part of the scene in hot dry Central and North
American scrublands. Yuccas are hardier than they

Bonica Rose
Price: 19.45The Bonica rose was voted the World's
Favorite Rose in 1997 by the World Federation of
Rose Societies, and an All America Winner in
1987.The Bonica deserves the acclaim.Bonica rose...Read

Wintergreen Boxwood
Price: 17.95The Korean Wintergreen Boxwood shrub,
Microphylla koreana, is also known as the liffleleaf
boxwood. It is a broadleaf evergreen upright shrub
with medium green to dark green foilag...Read

Compacta Burning Bush
Price: 17.95The Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus
'Compacta' has an outstanding red fall color. The
deep dark red leaves almost glow with color in the
fall. The plant is shade tolerant but has inf...Read

Bursting Heart Burning Bush
Price: 12.80The Bursting Heart Burning bush,
Euonymus americana 'Bursting Heart', is a unique
shrub. In the spring and summer this shrub quietly
takes the back seat to other seasonal color. Ho...Read

White Butterfly Bush
Price: 11.10The White Butterfly bush, Buddleia
davidii 'Alba', is easily grown in average, medium
wet, well-drained soil in full sun. Even if plants
do not die to the ground in winter, they us...Read

Claret Purple Butterfly Bush
Price: 17.95The Purple Butterfly Bush, Buddleia
davidii 'ile de France', is a butterfly magnet. This
bush flowers summer and fall and is easy to grow.
With a name like Butterfly Bush you might...Read

Price: 11.35The Buttonbush, Cephalanthus
occidentalis, is a rounded, 6 to 8 feet tall and
occasionally reaqching 10 to 12 feet tall shrub. It
is very open, almost gangly in habit. Flowers are

Carefee Delight Rose
Price: 19.45The Carefree Delight rose is a
delightful shrub rose that is very free flowering
with vivid pink blooms. It has deep green, glossy
leaves with a rich maroon fall color and lots of ...Read

Carefree Beauty Rose
Price: 19.45The Carefree Beauty rose has an open
bloom and is light Rose Bengal color which ages
lighter. The pleasant fragrant flowers are followed
by round-ovoid orange hips. the plant is vi...Read

Knock Out Rose
Price: 19.45The Knock Out rose is a glowing
example of disease resistance at its best. The cycle
of bloom and growth provides a continuous show of
color from spring until late fall. This maint...Read

Seafoam Rose
Price: 19.45The Seafoam rose is great as a
mounding ground cover or small climber. It is very
winter hardy, and has good disease tolerance.Seafoam
roses have small glossy foliage and white blo...Read

Black Chokeberry
Price: 17.95The Black Chokeberry, Aronia
melanocarpa 'black', is an open, upright, spreading,
somewhat rounded but leggy, deciduous shrub which
typically grows 3-6’ tall. It displays clusters ...Read

Red Chokeberry
Price: 17.95The Red Chockecherry, Aronia
arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima', cultivar is a
deciduous shrub which typically grows slowly to 6-8'
tall and is perhaps most noted for its attractive

Chuckles Rose
Price: 19.45The Chuckles rose is a hardy
Canadian-bred shrub that can be grown as a small
climber or pruned as a bush. Chuckles roses bloom in
clusters.The double fuchsia blooms are 2½" across...Read

Coral Red Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Coral Red Dogwood, Cornus alba
'Sibirica', has stunning bright red bark which adds
color to the winter garden. It has been given an
Award of Garden Merit (AM), which is for pla...Read

Greytwig Dogwood
Price: 14.60The Gray Dogwood is a deciduous shrub
which typically occurs in moist or rocky ground
along streams, ponds, wet meadows, glade and prairie
margins, thickets and rocky bluffs. It gr...Read

Redosier Dogwood
Price: 17.95The Redosier Dogwood, Cornus sericea,
is a freely spreading shrub with many stems, 3-18'
tall; branching is opposite, young stems (and most
old ones) often bright, smooth, shiny re...Read

Silky Dogwood
Price: 11.00The Silky Dogwood, Cornus amomum, has
attractive white, greenish-white or yellow flower
clusters in the spring and blue and white fruit in
the fall. This plant tolerates poorly dra...Read

American Elderberry
Price: 17.95The American Elderberry, Sambucus
canadensis, is a deciduous, upright shrub. It
produces black or purple berries that are great for
wildlife and jams and jellies. It has light gray...Read

Lynwood Gold Forsythia
Price: 17.95The Lynwood Gold Forsythia, Forsythia
x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold', is an old time favorite
with an upright spreading habit and big yellow
flowers up the entire length of stem. The ...Read

Spectabilis Forsythia
Price: 12.00The Spectabilis Forsythis, Forsythia
x intermedia, is a showy border Forsythia that
transplants readily. It grows at a rapid rate and is
long-lived. Tolerates a wide range of soil...Read

Heavenly Bamboo
Price: 17.95The Heavenly Bamboo, Nadina
domestica, is not a true bamboo but a upright 6-8’
high, semi-evergreen shrub that tends to slowly
sucker at the base, forming colonies. When this

Henry Hudson Rose
Price: 19.45The Henry Hudson rose is a rugosa
hybrid shrub rose that is a very neat and tidy bush
that does not overtake it's welcome in the garden
bed. The Henry Hudson blooms repeatedly with...Read

Henry Kelsey CL Rose
Price: 19.45The Henry Kelsey rose has a trailing
and spreading growth habit which is the highlight of
this winter hardy rose. The blooms are a medium red
color and come in clusters of 9 to 13....Read

Red Rum Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Red Rum Honeysuckle, Lonicera
maackii, is a deciduous shrub that grows to 8' to
12'. It produces masses of white flowers that mature
to yellow followed by profusion of 1/4" bri...Read

Winter Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Winter Honeysuckle, Lonicera
fragrantissima, is sometimes called Sweet Breath of
Spring. It is extremely fragrant (lemony), with
creamy white flowers that appear in early sprin...Read

Pink Tatarian Honeysuckle
Price: 17.95The Pink Tatarian Honeysuckle,
Lonicera tatarica, originated in Southern Russia and
Turkistan. Tatarian Honeysuckle is a tolerant,
reliable shrub with good flowering and fruiting h...Read

Grandiflora Hydrangea
Price: 17.95The Grandiflora Hydrangea, Hydrangea
paniculata, is a common American garden plant and
highly valued for its vigor and bloom dependability.
Sterile flowers appear in August and rem...Read

Nikko Blue Hydrangea
Price: 17.95The Nikko Blue Hydrangea, Hydrangea
macrophylla, has blue blossoms on a plant with a
strong constitution which make Hydrangea macrophylla
'Nikko Blue' one of the best. It will be a...Read

Oakleaf Hydrangea
Price: 17.95The Oakleaf Hydrangea, Hydrangea
quercifolia, is an upright, deciduous shrub with a
broad, rounded habit that typically grows 4-6' tall.
It features elongated white flowers which s...Read

False Indigo Indigo Bush
Price: 17.95The False Indigo Bush, Amorpha
fruticosa, is a somewhat leggy shrub, whose height
can range from 6 to 20 feet tall,and 5 to 15 feet
wide. Fragrant foliage has the compound pinnate ...Read

John Franklin Rose
Price: 19.45The John Franklin rose is a compact,
bushy shrub with deep red, semi-double flowers that
are cupped, fringed and displayed in very large
clusters. This is a non-stop bloomer from s...Read

Common Purple Lilac
Price: 19.95The Common Purple Lilac, Syringa
Vulgaris, is well-known and loved by gardeners all
over the world for its beauty and fragrance; one of
the most powerful fragrances emitted by a pl...Read

Korean Lilac
Price: 19.95The Dwarf Korean Lilac, Syringa
meyeri 'palibin', is known as a compact but
spreading, small-foliaged Lilac with showy late May
lavender-purple flowers that are spread over the

Miss Canada Lilac
Price: 17.72The Miss Canada Lilac,Syringa x
prestoniae, is a spreading, graceful shrub with
arching branches, reaching 6 to 9 feet in height, 5
to 8 feet spread. Foliage is dark green with a b...Read

Persian Lilac
Price: 19.95The Persian Lilac, Syringa x persica,
is a spreading, graceful shrub with arching
branches, reaching 4 to 8 feet in height, 5 to 10
feet spread. This deciduous shrub has dark green...Read

White Persian Lilac
Price: 13.20The White Persian Lilac, Syringa x
persica 'alba', is a spreading, graceful shrub with
arching branches, reaching 4 to 8 feet in height, 5
to 10 feet spread. This deciduous shrub h...Read

Sweet Mock Orange
Price: 12.80The Sweet Mock Orange, Philadephus
coronarius, is a deciduous shrub. This name is
probably derived from the fragrant white flowers
resembling orange flowers that some species and c...Read

MN Snowflake Mock Orange
Price: 17.95The Minnesota Snowflake Mock Orange,
Philadelphus x virginalis, is a compact, deciduous
shrub that grows to only 3' tall. Features fragrant,
double white flowers that bloom profuse...Read

Mountain Laurel
Price: 12.08The Mountain Laurel, Kalmia
latifolia, is a native American plant. Its natural
beauty in a woodland setting is a spring delight. It
is the state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylv...Read

Nearly Wild Rose
Price: 19.45The Hearty Wild rose is a hybrid. It
is beautiful and tough. Hearty Wild roses have are a
bushy, hardy, and highly attractive shrub that grows
2' to 3' tall.The large, single-form ...Read

Pink Flowering Almond
Price: 19.95The Pink Flowering Almond, Prunus
glandulosa rosea plena, is a small shrub that
flowers in early spring with a display of very light
pink flowers before the leaves appear. It grows...Read

Playboy Rose
Price: 19.45The Playboy rose has glossy green
foliage, which offsets the large, orange-scarlet
semi-double blooms. Playboy roses bloom very
profusely and are widely grown.It was a Gold Medal

Abbotswood Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Abbotswood Potentilla, Fruticosa
abbotswood, is a beautiful small mounded shrub that
is ideal for foundation plantings. They are
virtually pest free. The Abbotswood variety has...Read

Tangerine Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Tangerine Potentilla, Fruticosa
tangerine, is an excellent but rare wildlife shrub.
The orange flowers last over many weeks like other
cinqufoils, but the beauty and unique fea...Read

Coronation Triumph Potentilla
Price: 17.95The Coronation Triump Potentilla,
Fruticosa coronation triumph, is a beautiful small
mounded shrub that is ideal for foundation
plantings. This is one of the earliest bloomers

Amur North River Privet
Price: 12.40The Amur North River Privet,
Ligustrum amurense, is the ideal hedge for a neat
clipped appearance. It can be maintained at any
height, making a thick dense hedge right down to the

Chinese South Privet
Price: 13.40The Chinese South Privet, Ligustrum
sinense, is an abundant semi-evergreen small tree or
large shrub, most commonly found invading the
understory of moist areas. Copious amounts of...Read

Londense Privet
Price: 17.95The Londense Privet, Ligustrum
vulgare lodense, is a dwarf privet hedge plant. It
is very dense and compact. Ideal for a low hedge.
Dark green foliage with white flowers. If left u...Read