About the Hancock
Coralberry :
The Hancock Coralberry, Symphoricarpos x
chenaultii 'Hancock', is easily grown in average,
medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part
shade. It will tolerates wide range of soils. This
dwarf hybrid coralberry cultivar is a low-growing,
spreading, deciduous shrub which typically grows
1-1.5' tall. Its arching stems do not root where
they touch the ground. The bell-shaped, pink flowers
appear in summer along the stems in clusters and in
spikes at the stem ends.
The fFlowers give way to clusters of pink/coral
berries which mature in autumn. Berries persist into
winter providing excellent color and interest. This
plant displays dark green leaves (to 3/4" long). The
berry-laden winter stems may be cut for indoor
floral arrangements.