About the Lilac -
Chinese :
The Chinese Lilac, Syringa Chinensis, is a large
round-headed shrub that can be used as a single
specimen or as a background border or screening
planting. It produces an excellent floral display in
early May. The flower color is lilac purple. Flowers
are produced in 4-5" long panicles after the foliage
emerges. It is a profuse bloomer with fragrant
flowers covering much of the plant. It makes an
attractive unsheared hedge.
Lilacs prefer a rich well drained soil. Although
they will grow in light shade, they will develop a
more dense plant habit and flower much better when
grown in full sun. Renewal pruning to remove a few
older canes each year will help keep the plant full
to the base. Prune after flowering for best
landscape effect.