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THE Swamp
Chestnut Oak
About the Swamp Chestnut
Oak :
The Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus michauxii,
is known also as a basket oak for the baskets made
from its wood, and cow oak because cows eat the
acorns. One of the important timber trees of the
South, it grows on moist and wet loamy soils of
bottom lands, along streams and borders of swamps.
The high quality wood is used in all kinds of
construction and for implements. The acorns are
sweet and serve as food to wildlife.
Swamp chestnut oak trees are well-formed and
become quite large (80 feet tall) with a narrow
crown. Swamp Chestnut Oak strongly prefers soils
that are moist, permanently moist, or permanently
wet, and tolerates standing water (as in
periodically inundated floodplains) for several
weeks at a time. Good seed crops occur at intervals
of 3-5 years with poor to fair production in
between. Swamp chestnut oak trees are deciduous and
have leaves that vary from four to eight inches in
length, are downy beneath and turn a rich crimson in
the fall. A good shade tree. |