About the Bitternut
Hickory :
The Bittenut Hickory, Carya
cordiformis, is also known as the Yellow-bud
Hickory tree. The yellow bud makes it difficult
to mistake for another species and combined with
the alternate compound leaves and relatively
large nuts, it is very distinctive. The nuts are
reported to be bitter, as one of the common
names suggests. The lighter colored shallow
cracks in the younger bark are roughly similar
to those of young Shagbark Hickory, but the
mature bark of Yellow-bud Hickory does not split
so deeply. This deciduous tree is found on
moist, fertile soils in the east and central
U.S. and is intolerant of shade.
Bitternut Hickory trees are
known for their hard wood. The wood is used for
pulpwood and furniture. This deciduous species
displays a leaf color of medium green to dark
green. The fall color is often green to
chartruese, but sometimes is a brilliant
golden-yellow in excellent seasons. It is a fast
growing, adaptable tree.