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About the Sourwood :
The Sourwood tree, Oxydendrum arboreum, is one of
the most prized native trees, especially noted for
its summer flowering and gorgeous fall colors. The
Sourwood makes a nice small specimen tree for small
spaces and looks great at the woodland edge. It is
also known as the Sorrel Tree and Lily-of-the-Valley
Tree. Sourwood honey is prized by gourmets.
The leaves are deciduous, up to 8" in length,
sour-tasting, and turn scarlet in the fall. The
fruit is a small gray capsule appearing in
spike-like clusters. The bark is dark and blocky
(alligator hide). Displays white Lily-of-the-Valley
like flowers in July. Plant in full sun to partial
shade in acid, organic, moist, well-drained soil.
Beautiful scarlet-orange leaf color in fall. Great
for a small yard, patio or lawn tree. |