Buy Shagbark
Nursery Plants |
Carya ovata |

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The Shagbark Hickory tree, Carya ovata, has a distinctive,
shaggy bark, conspicuous on tall straight trees, which gives
this species its name. It grows well in both wet and dry
areas, but prefers well-drained soils. Shellbark hickory
trees are also called shagbark hickory, bigleaf shagbark
hickory, kingnut, big shellbark, bottom shellbark, thick
shellbark, and western shellbark, which attest to some of
its characteristics. It is a slow-growing long-lived tree.
The nuts, largest of all hickory nuts, are sweet and edible.
Wildlife and people harvest most of them; those remaining
produce seedling trees readily.
The wood is hard, heavy, strong, and very flexible,
making it a favored wood for tool handles. The wood also
makes excellent firewood, and often is used in smoking meat.
As with other edible nuts, squirrels compete with humans for
this fruit. Its bold-textured, jagged branch structure and
thick twigs give it a striking appearance in winter. This
deciduous shade tree has a yellow fall color. |