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Buy Sugarberry at Nursery Plants
Celtis laevigata
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THE Sugarberry

About the Sugarberry :

The Sugarberry tree, Celtis laevigata, is also commonly called sugar hackberry or southern hackberry or Mississippi hackberry.Sugarberry trees are basically a southern version of common or northern hackberry. The Sugarberry tree differs from common hackberry because the fruits are juicier and sweeter, bark is less corky, and leaves are narrower with mostly smooth margins. It has better resistance to witches’ broom and less winter hardiness. Sugarberry is a medium to large sized deciduous tree that typically grows 60-80’ tall with upright-arching branching and a rounded spreading crown.

The trunk diameter ranges from 1-3' and the mature gray bark develops a warty texture. Female flowers give way to an often abundant fruit crop of round fleshy berry-like drupes maturing to deep purple. Fruits are attractive to a variety of wildlife, especially birds. Fleshy parts of the fruit are edible and sweet. Leaves are glossy to dull green leaves (2-4” long) and have a yellow fall color.

Sugarberry Facts
Mature Height :
60-80 feet
Mature Spread :
60-80 feet
Mature Form :
Upright rounded
Growth Rate :
Moderate to rapid
Sun Exposure :
Sun to partial shade
Soil Moisture :
Widely adaptable
Soil Type :
Widely adaptable
Flower Color :
Foliage Color :
Fall Color :



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Fall Color
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Pink Flowers
Purple Flowers
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White Flowers
Winter Interest
Yellow Flowers
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