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River Birch
About the River Birch :
The River Birch tree, Betula Nigra, is a very
handsome tree for estates, parks, golf courses and
any other large areas. It displays a light reddish
brown cinnamon bark that peels and flakes to give
that beautiful look that the birch family is noted
for. Plant as a specimen, or as a windbreak, plant
20’ apart in the row. It is excellent in wet soil.
The River Birch has dark green summer foliage and
turns a golden yellow in the fall. Best adapted to
moist, acid soils, but will survive dry soils. Not
bothered by the bronze birch borer. Native, graceful
branching, easy to transplant; best not to prune in
spring - sap "bleeds" and is heat tolerant. This
deciduous tree can withstand extended periods of
flooding. The River Birch trees are beautiful in the
summer and winter, are widely adaptable, and heat
tolerant. |