Red Leaf Edible Amaranth
Price: 1.59The Amaranth Edible Red Leaf, 'Amaranthus
tricolor', is a heat loving summer green that is
even more nutritious than spinach or beet greens.
This plant is showy enough for blower b...Read

Rocket Salad Arugula
Price: 1.39The Arugula Rocket Salad Roquette, 'Eruca
sativa', is one of the most popular "new" greens.
The interesting flavor of Arugula will add spunk to
any boring salad. Descriptions such ...Read

Windsor Fava Broad Bean
Price: 1.69The Bean Broad Fava Windsor, 'Vicia
faba', is Mediterranean heirloom with a delectable
nutty/pea flavor and has been enjoyed buy Europeans
for centuries. Reward your taste buds wit...Read

California Blackeye Southern Bean
Price: 1.39The Bean Southern Cowpea California
Blackeye # 5, 'Vigna ungiculata', is the most
popular southern pea. The large, smooth seed is
mostly eaten fresh, but they can also be dried,

Blue Lake 274 Snap Bean Bush
Price: 1.69The Bean Bush Snap Blue Lake 274,
'Phaseolus vulgaris', is an old time favorite with
exceptional Blue Lake flavor. It is noted for
retaining excellent flavor and texture as a froze...Read

Montpellier French Snap Bean Bush
Price: 1.89The Bean Bush Montpellier French,
'Phaseolus vulgaris', is a true gourmet French
"filet" bean. It is featured in upscale French
markets because of its exquisitely tender and

Pencil Pod Snap Bean Bush
Price: 1.89The Bean Bush, Snap Pencil Pod,
'Phaseolus vulgaris', is a very adaptable wax bean
that will grow anywhere in the country. It has
excellent bean flavor with very attractive bright

Purple Queen Snap Bean Bush
Price: 1.79The Bean Bush Purple Queen, 'Phaseolus
vulgaris', has beautiful deep purple pods that turn
deep forest green when cooked. The beans have a
great fresh flavor and they are also good...Read

Scarlet Emperor Runner Bean Pole
Price: 1.89The Bean Pole Runner Scarlet Emperpr,
'Phaseolus coccineus', has large sprays of brilliant
rich, red flowers that contrast against deep green
foliage. The Scarlet Emperor is grown ...Read

Kentucky Blue Snap Bean Pole
Price: 1.89The Bean Pole Snap Kentucky Blue, 'Phaseolus
vulgaris', is a 1991 All America Winner. The parents
are Kentucky Wonder/Blue Lake and they provide a
sweetened taste. The Kentucky Blu...Read

Romano Snap Bean Pole
Price: 1.59The Bean Pole Snap Romano, 'Phaseolus
vulgaris', produces over a long period of time, and
this Italian green bean is considered one of the
best tasting beans available. The snap be...Read

Yard Long Snap Bean Pole
Price: 1.89The Bean Pole Liana Yard Long,
'Phaseolus sesquipedalis', has a unique bean/pea
flavor of "dow ghok" that is a favorite of the
orient. "Good to eat as they are strange to behold".

Detroit Dark Red Beet
Price: 1.39The Beet Detroit Dark Red, 'Beta
vulgaris', is a tender, sweet, tasty, and extremely
nutritious root vegetable. The foliage is also
highly regarded for taste and it has more iron t...Read

Gourmet Blend Beet
Price: 2.69The Beet Gourmet Blend, 'Beta
vulgaris', is an old fashioned beet. You can create
gourmet salads and side dishes in a rainbow of
jewel-tone colors. It is sweet, nutritious, and

Bitter Melon
Price: 1.89The Bitter Melon Short Fu Qwa,
Foo-Gwa, 'Momordica charantia', is widely used in
the Orient. You will quickly enjoy its bitter
flavor. It is refreshing, cooling, and a compliment

Tah Tsai Tatsoi Bok Choy
Price: 1.69The Bok Choy Tatsoi Rosette Bok Choy,
'Brassuca rapa var. rosularis', has tender, sweet
tasting stalks and leaves that are commonly used in
high quality dishes and in salad mixes. ...Read

White Stem Bok Choy
Price: 1.39The Bok Choy White Stem, 'Brassica
rapa (Chinensis Group)', is two vegetables in one
with tasty spinach-like leaves and crunchy sweet
stems. The succulent leaves have a mild Swiss ...Read

Super Blend Broccoli
Price: 1.89The Broccoli Super Blend, 'Brassica
oleracea (Hybrid)', has the ability to spread out
your broccoli season with the 3 varieties in one
packet. No more broccoli in the compost pile!...Read

Burnet Salad
Price: 1.59The Burnet Salad, 'Peterium
sanguisorba', has refreshing, light cucumber
flavored leaves that will add flavor to salads,
soups, and cool summer drinks all year long. Burnet
Salad i...Read

Michihli Chinese Cabbage
Price: 1.39The Cabbage Chinese Michihli (
haku-sai, pe-tsai), 'Brassica rapa (Pekinensis
Group)', has such a mild, sweet flavor compared to
regular cabbage that it can be used raw in salads.

Discovery Cabbage
Price: 1.89The Cabbage Discovery, 'Brassica
oleracea (Hybrid)', is so tasty and so sweet that
Discovery is the only cabbage a national food chain
will use. Discovery is an early to mid-sason ...Read

New Kurodo Asian Carrot
Price: 1.39The Carrot Asian New Kurodo, 'Daucus
carota var staivus', is popular in the Orient. The
New Kurodo is one of the sweetest carrots you will
ever eat. Late planting your garden? Kuro...Read

Babette Carrot
Price: 1.59The Carrot Baby Babette, 'Daucus
carota var staivus', is a gourmet mini-carrot that
was bred in France. The foliage is very strong and
will not break off when pulling it up. Did yo...Read

Healthmaster Carrot
Price: 1.79The Carrot Healthmaster, 'Daucus
carota var staivus (hybrid)', is a new big hunk of
carrot weighing in at around 1.5 pounds. It also
contains 35% more vitamin A value than any Danv...Read

Little Fingers Carrot
Price: 1.59The Carrot Little Finger, 'Daucus
carota var staivus', is a baby gourmet mini-carrot
carrot. Even if it is harvested early, it will have
a deep orange color, a tender core and a sw...Read

Royal Chantenay Carrot
Price: 1.39The Carrot Royal Chantenay, 'Daucus
carota var staivus', produces home grown carrots
that taste better than store bought. They have a
sweet, crisp, nice flavor and they are excelle...Read

Thumbelina Carrot
Price: 1.79The Carrot Thumbelina, 'Daucus carota
var staivus (hybrid)', is a small round gourmet
carrot with a magnificent, very sweet flavor.
Thumbelina was a 1992 All America Winner and is ...Read

Brocoverde Cauliflower
Price: 1.59The Cauliflower Brocoverde, 'Brassica
oleracea', is a very sweet tasting cauliflower that
deserves a place in your garden. If you like
cauliflower, then try this new, green variety...Read

Kin Tsai Chinese Celery
Price: 1.59The Celery Chinese Kin-Tsai (Qin cai,
Kun choi), 'Apium graveolens', is one of the most
widely grown vegetables in China. The leaves have a
strong celery flavor that is essential f...Read

Utah 52 70 Improved Tall Celery
Price: 1.39The Celery Tall Utah 52/70 Improved,
'Apium graveolens var dulce', has a far superior
flavor than grocery store celery. The fruits of the
labors of experienced gardeners will be ev...Read

Price: 1.39The Collards Georgia Southern,
'Brassica oleracea', is a heat and cold tolerant
variety that is high in vitamins and minerals. This
non-heading member of the cabbage family has hug...Read

White Argent Corn
Price: 1.89The Corn Sweet Argent (White), 'Zea
mays var rugosa (Hybrid)', is the best tasting white
sweet corn there is. It is unsurpassed in eating
quality. Argent is a white sweet corn with...Read

Yellow Bodacious Corn
Price: 1.89The Corn Sweet Bodacious, 'Zea mays
var rugosa (Hybrid)', is a gourmet sweet corn with
exceptional flavor. It was developed for the home
garden and the fresh corn market. Bodacious...Read

Lemon Cucumber
Price: 1.69The Cucumber Lemon, 'Cucumis
satiovus', is a very good slicer or pickler. The
Lemon cucumber is very sweet, crisp, easy to digest
and looks just like a lemon. If you love cukes,

Homemade Pickles Pickling Cucumber
Price: 1.79The Cucumber Homemade Pickles,
'Cucumis satiovus', is arguably the best cucumber
available for pickles. Homemade Pickles has a solid
and crisp interior that is perfect for 1 to 5 i...Read

Armenian Slicing Cucumber
Price: 1.79The Cucumber Armenian Burpless,
'Cucumis satiovus', is a slicing cucumber that is
slightly sweet, crisp, and never bitter. The
Armenian Burpless is very long and is best harvested

Fanfare Slicing Cucumber
Price: 1.89The Cucumber Fanfare, 'Cucumis
satiovus (Hybrid)', is an All America Winner. The
Fanfare is a semi-dwarf plant that is resistant to
many diseases, and is a great slicer. It is almo...Read

Tohya Green Soybean Edamame
Price: 2.99The Edamame Green Soybean Tohya,
'Glycine max', is so high in protein, it is called
"the meat without bones". When boiled, the beans are
popped out of the pod into your mouth for a...Read

Bambino Eggplant
Price: 2.69The Eggplant Baby Bambino, 'Solanum
melongena (Hybrid)', is a baby eggplant with 1"
fruits! The Bambino is great hors d'oeuvres,
shish-kabobs and other eggplant dishes. It is also

Long Purple Eggplant
Price: 1.59The Eggplant Long
Purple-Japanese/Chinese, 'Solanum melongena', has a
milder, more delicate flavor than regular eggplant.
The Long Purple has few seeds and a thin skin that
makes i...Read

Tres Fine Maraichere Endive
Price: 1.89The Endive Tres Fine Maraichere,
'Chicorium endiva', is the classic ingredient for
mesclun mixes. Tres Fine Maraichere has very narrow,
finely cut leaves that add dramatic texture ...Read

Grosse Bouclee Escarole
Price: 2.39The Escarole Grosse Bouclee,
'Chicorium endiva', is a crackling, crisp, tender,
snappy green that is a must green in Europe and for
any salad. Grown properly, no green will match i...Read

Birdhouse Hard- shelled Gourd
Price: 2.39The Gourd Hard-shelled Birdhouse,
'Cucurbita lagenaria', is commonly used to make
birdhouses, pots, planters, bowls, toys, and hanging
baskets. Once cured, hard-shelled gourds such...Read

Corsican Hard- shelled Gourd
Price: 2.39The Gourd Hard-shelled Corsican,
'Cucurbita lagenaria', is used to make serving
bowls, jewelry boxes, and many other beautifully
decorated lidded containers. Once cured,

Dipper Hard- shelled Gourd
Price: 2.39The Gourd Hard-shelled Long Handled
Dipper, 'Cucurbita lagenaria', is wonderful for
painting, decorating, or used as a water 'dipper'.
Once cured, hard-shelled gourds, such as the ...Read

Luffa Gourd
Price: 1.89The Gourd Luffa Chinese Okra, Cee Gwa,
Sze Qwa, 'Luffa aegyptiaca' is simple and easy to
grow. Grow your own sponge! The Luffa Gourd can also
be cooked and eaten like summer squash...Read

Crown of Thorns Ornamental Gourd
Price: 1.59The Gourd Ornamental Shenot Crown of
Thorns Blend, 'Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera', is an
amazingly symmetrical gourd with 10 little "fingers"
that protrude to make a crown. The Crow...Read

Nest Egg Ornamental Gourd
Price: 1.79The Gourd Ornamental Nest Egg, 'Cucurbita
pepo var. ovifera', is very similar in size and
shape to a hen's egg. The Nest Egg is used as a
decorative egg in baskets and Easter arran...Read

Pear Bi- color Ornamental Gourd
Price: 1.79The Gourd Ornamental Pear Bicolor,
'Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera', is a wonderfully
colored gourd. The Pear Bicolor gourd looks great
nestled in a harvest basket or on a Thanksgivin...Read

Dwarf Blue Curled Kale
Price: 1.39The Kale Dwarf Blue Curled, 'Brassica
oleraceae (Acephala)', is very nutritious, tasty,
and simple to grow. Add the Dwarf Ble Curled Kale to
soup, or stir-fry or steam. Dwarf Blue ...Read