Black Hills Spruce
Price: 12.95The Black Hills Spruce, Picea Glauca
Var. densata, is noted for its dark green foliage
and conical form. Black Hills Spruce trees are very
dense and have a deep dark green color. I...Read
Canadian Hemlock
Price: 14.95The Canadian Hemlock tree, Tsuga
canadensis, is also called Eastern Hemlock or
Hemlock spruce. This evergreen conifer is a
fast-growing long-lived tree which unlike many trees
Colorado Blue Spruce
Price: 10.95The Colorado Blue Spruce tree, Picea
Pungens, is a pyramidal shaped evergreen with steel
blue foliage. It prefers heavier soils, full sun,
and clean cultivation. Colorado Blue Spru...Read
Concolor Fir
Price: 13.95The Concolor Fir tree, Abies concolor,
is also known as white fir, concolor fir, silver
fir, Rocky Mountain white fir, Colorado Fir, Lows
Fir, Pacific white fir. Concolor Fir trees...Read
Dawn Redwood
Price: 14.95The Dawn Redwood tree, Metasequoia
glyptostroboides, is a deciduous conifer, with soft
needle-like leaves that look like evergreens, but
are bright green in the spring and brillian...Read
Douglas Fir
Price: 12.95The Douglas Fir tree, Pseudotsuga
menziessi glauca, is a splendid pyramidal evergreen.
It has many common names such as, Interior fir,
Rocky Mountain, Douglas-fir, Douglas, yellow ...Read
Eastern Red Cedar
Price: 11.95The Eastern Red Cedar, Juniperus
Virginiana, is a small to medium-sized aromatic
evergreen tree. Typically, the trunk is straight and
the tree has a pointed, dense, conical crown t...Read
Eastern White Pine
Price: 13.95The Eastern White Pine, Pinus
Strobus, is a beautiful landscape pine widely used
throughout much of North America. This evergreen
conifer tree is a truly magnificent tree
Fraser Fir
Price: 12.95The Fraser Fir, Abies Fraseri, is a
classy, tall, fir tree that has short dark-green
needles with silver undersides. It is among the most
classy of conifers. A great ornamental and...Read
Hybrid Poplar
Price: 10.95The Poplar Hybrid tree, Populus
Hybrid, will grow six feet per year with average and
normal conditions This fast growing tree is often
planted as a hedge, screen, windbreak, or to ...Read
Lombardy Poplar
Price: 9.95The Lombardy Poplar tree, Populus
nigra, is a fast growing, tall, columnar tree with
bright green leaves with a silver underside. These
trees are used to form quick windbreaks, whi...Read
Norway Spruce
Price: 10.95The Norway Spruce tree, Picea Abies,
is a fast growing tree that can grow to 150 ft.
Norway Spruce trees, placed on a good site, should
reach 5 ft. in 6 to 7 years starting with a ...Read
Scotch Pine
Price: 10.95The Scotch Pine tree, Pinus
Sylvestris, is a conifer that is a native of Europe
and is widely used as a Christmas Tree. It is a fast
growing, irregularly shaped tree. The evergreen...Read
Balsam Fir
Price: 24.95The Balsam Fir, 'Abies balsamea',
exhibits a relatively dense, dark-green, pyramidal
crown with a slender spire-like tip. The scientific
name "balsamea" is an ancient word for the ...Read
Bristlecone Pine
Price: 24.95The Bristlecone Pine, 'Pinus
aristata', is a type of pine tree that can reach an
age far greater than that of any other living thing
known - up to 5,000 years.It is dense in growth...Read
American Arborvitae
Price: 12.95The American Arborvitae, Thuja
occidentalis, is a conifer evergreen tree that is
widely used as an accent tree or as a privacy hedge
tree. American Arborvitae trees have a broad py...Read
Pyramidalis Arborvitae
Price: 16.95The Pyramidalis arborvitae, Thuja
occidentalis, is a tall, slender and compact grower.
This evergreen conifer tree is ideal for entrance or
corner plantings. The bright green folia...Read
Austrian Pine
Price: 11.95The Austrian Pine, Pinus nigra, is a
densely branched tree producing long dark needles.
This evergreen conifer tree thrives in urban
locations as well as in windbreaks in more rura...Read