Jack O Lantern Pumpkin
Price: 1.59The Pumpkin Jack O'Lantern, 'Cucurbita
pepo', is bred to be the "size of a human head", so
go ahead and carve a scary face. The Jack O'Lantern
is not just a great pumpkin for carvi...Read

Little October Pumpkin
Price: 2.99The Pumpkin Little October, 'Cucurbita
pepo', is a mini-pumpkin with smooth skin that is
ideal for holiday decorations. Looking for an ideal
family craft project? After your "mini-...Read

Lumina Pumpkin
Price: 1.89The Pumpkin Lumina, 'Cucurbita
maxima', is a ghostly white pumpkin is good for
carving, painting or baking! Just the porch lights
from other houses make Lumina glow. Lumina is

Sugar Pie Pumpkin
Price: 1.59The Pumpkin Sugar Pie, 'Cucurbita
pepo', has marvelous pumpkin flavor with sweet, fine
grained texture. There is no pumpkin better for
cooking. Pumpkins are under used for cooking....Read
Milan Radicchio
Price: 1.89The Radicchio Milan, 'Cichorium
intybus', is a self-heading type that is easy to
grow. The Milan Radicchio adds a unique flavor to
salads. Milan is strikingly beautiful with its de...Read

Cherry Belle Radish
Price: 1.39The Radish Cherry Belle, 'Raphanus
sativus', has a mild flavor and solid white flesh
that makes the Cherry Belle very popular. This
spring radish grows best during the cool periods...Read

Crimson Giant Radish
Price: 1.39The Radish Crimson Giant, 'Raphanus
sativus', is as big as an apple with the same great
mild flavor and crunchy texture of other spring
radishes. This huge spring radish grows best...Read

Round Black Spanish Radish
Price: 1.39The Radish Round Black Spanish,
'Raphanus sativus', is a winter radish with black
skin and white flesh. Radish lovers should try this
often neglected group of winter radishes. The ...Read

White Icicle Radish
Price: 1.39The Radish White Icicle, 'Raphanus
sativus', is an attractive snow white, 5" - 6" long,
tapered radish with a mild flavor. It is easy to
grow and is quite early for a summer radish...Read

Common Sorrel
Price: 1.39The Sorrel or Common Sorrel, 'Rumex
acetosa', is a hardy perennial. The Sorrel leaves
have a sharp, lemon/spinach flavor and is one of the
earliest spring greens. Sorrel is an unde...Read

Correnta Spinach
Price: 1.59The Spinach Correnta, 'Spinacia
oleracea (Hybrid)', is a breakthrough spinach plant.
It is very bolt-resistant and it can even be planted
in the summer. Correnta is very smooth lea...Read

New Zealand Spinach
Price: 1.59The Spinach New Zealand, 'Tetragonia
expanse', is an Heirloom spinach that tastes like
spinach but loves hot weather. The New Zealand
provides continuous greens from May to October...Read

Early Crookneck Summer Squash
Price: 1.59The Squash Summer Early Yellow
Crookneck, 'Cucurbita pepo', has a taste that has
been described as creamy, mild, sweet, and buttery .
The Early Yellow Crookneck is a versatile vege...Read

Pattypan Scallop Blend Summer Squash
Price: 2.99The Squash Summer Scallop Blend,
'Cucurbita pepo (Hybrid)', has a slightly spicier,
nuttier flavor than other summer squashes. We have
chosen not just any blend of different colore...Read

Baby Round Summer Zucchini Squash
Price: 1.59The Squash Summer Baby Round Zucchini,
'Cucurbita pepo', is a tasty, unique French heirloom
is not available at grocery stores. Do you love
summer squash but grow enough each year ...Read

Black Beauty Summer Zucchini Squash
Price: 1.59The Squash Summer Black Beauty
Zucchini, 'Cucurbita pepo', has very tender, creamy
white, flavorful flesh. The Black Beauty Zucchini
plant is compact and bush like. This squash is ...Read

Lebanese Summer Zucchini Squash
Price: 1.89The Squash Summer Clarinette Lebanese,
'Cucurbita pepo (Hybrid)', is a Middle-Eastern
favorite The slightly sweet flavor is excellent
stuffed or eaten plain. If you like summer squ...Read

Table King Bush Winter Acorn Squash
Price: 1.69The Squash Winter Table King Bush
Acorn, 'Cucurbita pepo', has so many great qualities
that it is an All America Winner. This Acorn squash
has long storage, great flavor, and a ver...Read

Burgess Winter Buttercup Squash
Price: 1.69The Squash Winter Burgess Buttercup,
'Cucurbita maxima', is arguably the best tasting and
best flavored winter squash. The Burgess Buttercup
Squash has very sweet, stringless, and ...Read

Waltham Winter Butternut Squash
Price: 1.69The Squash Winter Waltham Butternut,
'Cucurbita pepo', has so many great qualities that
it is an All America Winner. The Waltham Butternut
has vigorous vines, long storage capabili...Read

Pink Banana Winter Squash
Price: 1.69The Squash Winter Pink Banana,
'Cucurbita maxima', is an Heirloom introduced in
1893 and common in American Pioneer Gardens. The
very smooth velvety skin make it attractive as

Spaghetti Winter Squash
Price: 1.39The Squash Spaghetti Winter Vegetable
Spaghetti, 'Cucurbita pepo', can be served just like
pasta. When cooked, the flesh separates into long
spaghetti-like strands. This very tasty...Read

Bright Lights Mix Swiss Chard
Price: 2.39The Swiss Chard Bright Lights, 'Beta
vulgaris (Cicla group)', has spectacular stem colors
that can include yellow, gold, orange, pink, purple,
or intermediate shades of these color...Read

Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard
Price: 1.39The Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant, 'Beta
vulgaris', will grow in heat and cold, is
nutritious, and has a long harvest period. Fordhook
Giant can either be steamed, stir-fried, or eate...Read

Rhubarb Ruby Red Swiss Chard
Price: 1.89The Swiss Chard Ruby Red/Rhubarb,
'Beta vulgaris (Cicla group)', has sweet and tender
rhubarb-like stalks that are decorative and tasty.
You will love the color of Ruby Red. The de...Read

Toma Verde Tomatillo
Price: 1.59The Tomatillo Toma Verde, 'Physalis
ixocarpa', has a unique flavor that makes an
indescribably tasty "Salsa Verde", a salsa some say
is far superior to red salsa. Toma Verde Tomati...Read

Amish Paste Tomato
Price: 1.59The Tomato Pole Amish Paste,
'Lycopersicon lycopersicum', is one of those old,
wonderfully flavored paste tomato varieties from
years past. Amish Paste has few seeds, solid flesh,

Black Krim Tomato
Price: 1.79The Tomato Pole Black Krim.
'Lycopersicon Lycopersicum', is an early, rich
flavored old heirloom from the Crimean peninsula of
Russia. Black Krim sets well in the heat and is a

Brandywine Tomato
Price: 1.79The Tomato Pole Brandywine,
'Lycopersicon Lycopersicum', is considered by many
to be the best tasting tomato in the world and it
has won lots of taste tests. You simply cannot

Celebrity Tomato
Price: 2.39The Tomato Bush Celebrity,
'Lycopersicon lycopersicum (Hybrid)', is a 1984 All
America Winner and it is still a winner. Celebrity
is an excellent all purpose variety with great

Gardeners Delight Cherry Tomato
Price: 1.59The Tomato Cherry Gardeners Delight,
'Lycopersicon lycopersicum', is quite possibly the
best tasting little tomato in the world. Gardeners
Delight is very sweet and is great on sal...Read

Rainbow Mix Cherry Tomato
Price: 2.39The Tomato Cherry Rainbow Mix,
'Lycopersicon lycopersicum (Hybrid)', is a beautiful
mix of unique, tasty, fun gourmet cherry tomatoes.
The rainbow of colors include orange, yellow,...Read

Red & Yellow Blend Currant Tomato
Price: 1.89The Tomato Cherry Currant Red and
Yellow Blend, 'Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium',
produces pea-sized tomatoes that are intensely
flavored and a charming addition to salads. The Red

First Lady II Tomato
Price: 2.99The Tomato Pole First lady II,
'Lycopersicon Lycopersicum', is earlier, tastier,
more disease resistant than Early Girl. They are
crack resistant and are large for an early

Grape Juliet Tomato
Price: 2.99The Tomato Grape Juliet, 'Lycopersicon
lycopersicum (Hybrid)', is an All American Selection
that has sweet, wonderful flavor and produces tons
of red, glossy 1 oz fruits on grape-l...Read

Green Zebra Tomato
Price: 1.79The Tomato Bush Green Zebra,
'Lycopersicon Lycopersicum', is an old heirloom
variety. Green Zebra is very flavorful, sweet, yet
zingy and well balanced and not too acidic. They

Husky Gold Patio Tomato
Price: 2.69The Tomato Patio Husky gold, 'Lycopersicon
lycopersicum', is a vibrant gold colored tomato and
an All America Selection. The Husky Gold is a great
container plant with juicy, sweet...Read

Yellow Pear Tomato
Price: 1.39The Tomato Pole Yellow Pear, 'Lycopersicon
Lycopersicum', has a sweet, mild, almost lemony
flavor. Kids and adults will love this late 1800's
variety as a snack from the garden. Th...Read

Purple Top White Globe Turnip
Price: 1.39The Turnip Purple Top White Globe,
'Brassica rapa', is a vegetable you may not have
tried. Turnips are sweet and mild and are grown by
some for the very tasty greens. The very tast...Read

Price: 1.59The Watercress, 'Nasturtium
officinale', has a snappy, clean, peppery taste that
will add crunch to you sandwiches, salads, omelets,
or potato salads. You don't have to have a free...Read

Crimson Sweet Watermelon
Price: 1.39The Watermelon Crimson Sweet,
'Citrullus lanatus' has a high sugar content flesh
that is very sweet and crisp. The Crimson Sweet
would qualify as a low calorie snack or dessert.

Ice Box Quetzali Watermelon
Price: 1.89The Watermelon Ice Box Quetzali,
'Citrullus lanatus', is an "Ice Box" watermelon that
will fit in your refrigerator easily! The Quetzali
has a shorter growing season than regular w...Read