About the Columbine -
Denver Gold :
The Columbine 'Denver Gold', Aquilegia chrysantha,
has large, very showy, yellow flowers that can
measure over 3" across. The fragrant flowers reflect
the sunshine of their Rocky Mountain home. ‘Denver
Gold’ blooms in late spring, and if deadheaded, will
be a heavy reblommer. With a spread of 15-20” and
height of 24-30”, you won’t want to miss this.
‘Denver Gold’ should be planted in full sun to
partial shade in fertile, moist well-drained soil.
Columbine is a profuse self-seeder so it should be
planted 12-18” apart. It is best used in rock
gardens or in containers and for beds and borders,
in cottage gardens and it attracts butterflies.
Enjoy this popular flower in your garden or as a cut