About the Hosta -
Fragrant Bouquet :
The Hosta 'Fragrant Bouquet, displays wavy leaves
with a creamy edge and are apple green in the
middle.The1998 AHS Hosta of the Year boasts wavy
leaves with a creamy edge and apple green in
between. The fragrant white flowers flowers bloom
from July to August, however, Hosta’s are not known
only for their flowers. With a plant height of 20”
and a spread of 32-36”, Hosta’s provide bright color
in shade with wonderful foliage.
Hosta ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ needs to be planted in a
full shade area in any moist, well-drained area.
This low care perennial is ideal for shady
positions, tubs and patio pots, and one of the most
popular for landscape uses.