About the Bergenia - Pig
Squeak :
The Bergenia 'Pig Squeak', Bergenia cordifolia,
also known as Bay Doll, is a must to any garden.
With its outstanding burgundy cabbage-like foliage
in the fall and green foliage in the spring, it adds
color and means to any garden. Bright pink flowers
develop in April being 15” in height and a plant
spread of 18-24”. ‘Bergenia’ Cordifolia will do well
in part shade with some morning sun in average moist
to well-drained areas, although they prefer light
shade in hot areas.
‘Bergenia’ works great in rock gardens, as a
border, and provides strong contrast for most any
other plant, especially Ferns and Dicentra. The
plant is useful as a ground cover, growing slowly in
dry areas and rapidly in constantly wet spots.