About the Pussy Willow -
Pink :
The Pink Pussy Willow, Salix discolor rosea, this
form of Pussy Willow has pale pink catkins. This
fast growing shrub is suitable for wet areas grow
well in almost any soil. They require full sun to
thrive, but will survive in the shade as well. As
with most willows, they do best when given lots of
water. Although they can be allowed to grow unpruned,
the plant will benefit from regular pruning after
Flowers form on the previous season's growth, not
on new growth so do not prune until the flowers have
faded. For early bloom, cut branches of pussy
willows may be brought in and set in a water filled
vase in a sunny window anytime after the middle of
January. The catkins will develop and make a nice
display for a considerable time.