About the Pussy Willow -
French :
The French Pussy Willow, Salix discolor, grows
well in almost any soil but it is a good idea to
supplement it with peat moss, leaf mold or compost.
They require full sun to thrive, but will survive in
the shade as well. As with most willows, they do
best when given lots of water. Although they can be
allowed to grow unpruned, the plant will benefit
from regular pruning after blooming.
Prune the lowest branches back to the trunk, and
prune for shape. You can even cut the tree back to a
six inch stump every 2-3 years (severe pruning
results in the longer stems and larger catkins).
Flowers form on the previous season's growth, not on
new growth so do not prune until the flowers have
faded. For early bloom, cut branches of pussy
willows may be brought in and set in a water filled
vase in a sunny window anytime after the middle of
January. The catkins will develop and make a nice
display for a considerable time.