Parsley - Green River :
The Parsley Green River, 'Petroselinum crispum', has more vitamin C than an orange and freshens your breath! Do you push your parsley aside after a meal? Don't. Consume it for the vitamins and breath freshener for garlic breath. Parsley is not just a garnish. Parsley has a gentle flavor that does a great job of blending the flavors around it. The 1 foot tall by 1 foot wide plant is dark green with double curled foliage that is densely packed. Parsley is quite cold hardy and stays green and harvestable through much of the winter, even in cold climates.
The Green River Parsley is also a very attractive edging plant. They are great in window boxes and pots either inside or outside. Their culinary uses includes salads, soups, butters, fish, and poultry. Green River Parsley is a very nutritious herb containing large quantities of vitamins and mineral such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Plant in the spring in well drained soil.