Chives - Common :
The Chives Common, 'Allium schoenoprasum', has beautiful edible flowers and delicate onion flavored foliage.The Common Chives are at home anywhere. Not many plants do as many things as this plant does and are as easy to grow, maintain, and they come back every year. The Chives plant is 12 inches tall and has narrow, hollow leaves. They produce round pinkish-purple flowers in late spring and early summer. Chives are a type of onion grown for the foliage and not the bulb. The edible flowers make a tasty chive vinegar.
Chives foliage is used as garnish to compliment onions, potatoes, asparagus, cauliflower, corn, tomatoes, peas, carrots, spinach, poultry, fish, shell fish, creamy sauces, cheese and eggs. It is very famous for use on baked potatoes with butter and sour cream and chopped chives on top. Plant in the early spring as soon as the soil can be worked or 2 months before first fall frost. Chives prefer rich, well drained soil. |