Autumn Moor Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass, 'Autumn Moor', Sesleria
autumnalis, is very upright.This grass is a tough
yet beautiful evergreen with vivid yellow green to
almost chartreuse foliage. The attractive fl...Read

Big Bluestem Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass, 'Big Bluestem', Andropogon
gerardii, is a native prairie grass. This grass is
also called Turkey feet because the shape of the
seed heads look like turkey feet. It is al...Read

Blue Oat Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Blue Oat Grass',
Helictotrichon sempervirens , is more enduring than
blue fescues. Blue Oat grass is the best choice for
accents. The clear blue summer foliage echoes wi...Read

China Love Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'China Love Grass',
Eragrostis sp., is a dense mounded grass with a
handsome compact foliage. The beautiful,
pinkish-red, airy flowers, from summer to fall, form
a dense,...Read

Denver Botanic Garden Brome Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Denver Botanic Garden
Brome', Brachypodium sylvaticum, is a mounded
ornamental grass. It is beautiful with Hosta and
Ferns. The soft downy foliage and slender oat-like

Dwarf Fountain Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf Fountain Grass',
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'. The dwarf
fountain grass 'Hameln' is a great grass for a
specimen or in mass plantings. The leaves are narrow

Dwarf Variegated Ribbon Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf Variegated Ribbon
grass', Phalaris arundinacea dwarf garters, is an
outstanding, upright arching grass. It is similar to
'Strawberries and Cream', except the white...Read

Dwarf White Striped Sweet Flag Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Dwarf White Striped Sweet
Flag', Acorus gramineus Variegatus, is a mounded,
non-invasive rhizone. This old garden favorite loves
moist conditions. The arching sword-like...Read

Evergold Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Evergold Sedge', Carex
hoshimensis 'Evergold' is a mounded grass. A
Japanese sedge that forms a low cascading clump of
evergreen leathery leaves with a sunny

Feather Reed Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Feather Reed Grass',
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster', is a
beautiful upright grass. 'Karl Forester' is a cool
season grower with dark green, shiny foliage tha...Read

Golden Fruited Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Golden Fruited Sedge',
Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex aurea, is a mounded sedge
grass. A sedge with beautiful silver foliage and
showy spring flowers that yield bright yello...Read

Golden Toupee Fescue Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Golden Toupee Fescue',
Festuca ovina glauca 'Golden Toupee', is a beautiful
tufted ornamental grass. A superb choice for a showy
border planting or rock garden, the tigh...Read

Golden Variegated Hakone Grass
Price: 16.95The Grass 'Golden Variegeted Hakone
Grass', Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola', is a mounded
non-invasive rhizome grass. It has brilliant yellow,
bamboo-like foliage streaked with green l...Read

Golden Variegated Sweet Flag Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Golden Variegated Sweet
Flag', Acorus gramineus Ogon, is a mounded,
non-invasive rhizome grass. It is great for
containers, edging or as a groundcover. Fragrant,
butter ...Read

Green Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Green Sedge', Carex
dipsacea, is a mounded sedge. It is striking and
versatile. Green Sedge features slender, iridescent
olive green leaves.It does well in a variety of ...Read

Heavy Metal Switch Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Heavy Metal Switch Grass',
Panicum virgatum, is also known as Blue Switch
Grass. The 'Heavy Metal' switch grass has a striking
metallic blue leaf color. It has a very up...Read

Horsetail Rush Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Horsetail Rush', Equisetum
hyemele, is an upright mounded, clumping rhizome. An
ancient plant with bushy, slender stems and a
weeping habit. When young, the slender stem...Read

Indian Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Indian Grass', Sorghastrum
nutans, is a clump forming native grass that reaches
4-5' in height. Indian grass is one of the most
important native tall grasses. There are ...Read

Leather Leaf Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Leather Leaf Sedge', Carex
buchananii, is an upright grass and a native of New
Zealand. This variety prefers moist, fast-draining,
rocky soil. The finely textured copper...Read

Little Bluestem Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Little Bluestem',
Schizachyrium scoparium, is a native American
prairie grass. It is also know as "Sagegrass" or
"Beard grass'. It can reach up to 3-4' and has a

Mexican Feather Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Mexican Feather Grass'
Stipa tenuissima', is a beautiful mounded ornamental
grass. It's Needle-like flexible leaves form dense,
bright green clumps. The flowers are silk...Read

New Zealand Hair Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'New Zealand Hair Sedge',
Carex comans Frosted Curls, is a tufted, fine
textured, evergreen sedge with 1/16"-wide, hairlike,
almost cylindrical leaves that form dense tuf...Read

Northern Pampas Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Northern Pampas Grass',
Erianthus ravennae, grass is an outstanding plant.
The tall flower stalks of this grass stand well
above the foliage. The foliage grows in an arc...Read

Northern Sea Oats Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Northern Sea Oats',
Chasmanthium latifolium, is upright and arching. It
is treasured for its showy, dropping flowers and
slender, bamboo-like foliage that changes from g...Read

Orange Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Orange Sedge', Carex
testacea, is a mounded ornamental grass. This lovely
evergreen grass has a ine-textured, glossy foliage
that emerges as olive green and turns a rich...Read

Oriental Ftn Tall Tales Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Oriental Fountain Grass
Tall Tales', Pennisetum orientale ‘Tall Tales’, is
upright and arching. Wonderful in the border
plantings or in planters, this beautiful and eleg...Read

Perennial Quaking Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Perennial Quaking Grass',
Briza media, is the most common perennial Quaking
Grass.The flowers rise a foot or more above the
slender foliage to quiver in the breeze. Outs...Read

Prairie Dropseed Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Prairie Dropseed',
Sporobolus heterolepis, is a native American prairie
plant. Prairie Dropseed produces a magnificent
fountain of fine-textured, emerald green leaves,

Purple Fountain Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Purple Fountain Grass',
Pennisetum setaceum, is a fast growing, clump grass.
It has purple foliage and purple foxtail-like
flowers. This plant is only an annual in north...Read

Red Bunny Tails Ftn Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Red Bunny Tails Fountain
Grass', Pennisetum messiacum, is an upright arching
plant. It has green foliage with beautiful red
foxtail blooms that become buff-white with ma...Read

Shenandoah Switch Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Shenandoah Switch
Grass',Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah', has a
burgundy-red color to the foliage.This one starts
out red in June, by mid-summer it looks like
Bloodgrass, ...Read

Slender Veldt Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Slender Veldt Grass',
Pennisetum spathiolatum, has slender leaves that
grow to 12", with blooms that reach another 2-3 feet
higher. It has the perfect vertical accent wi...Read

Soft Rush Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Soft Rush Grass', Juncus
effusus Quarter Creek, Upright Divergent. Known for
its narrow, soft round stems and vertical growth,
Soft Rush has medium green foliage that tu...Read

The Blues Little Bluestem Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Blues Little Bluestem
Grass', Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues', has
attractive deep blue foliage.The fall color is a
burgundy red. It works well in mass plantings.It ...Read

Toffee Twist Sedge Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Toffee Twist Sedge', Carex
flagellifera Toffee Twist, is a mounded grass
plant.The Irridescent slender mahogany leaves arch
upward 1 1/2 to 2 feet before spilling back t...Read

Variegated Miscanthus Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Variegated Miscanthus
Grass', Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light', is also
know as 'Morning Light' Maiden Grass is a very
popular miscanthus. It boasts white-edged varie...Read

Variegated Ribbon Grass
Price: 15.95The Grass 'Variegated Ribbon Grass',
Phalaris arundinacea 'Strawberries and Cream', has
an upright and arching habit. It is prized for its
white-striped foliage blushed with pink. ...Read