Bridal Veil Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Bridal Veil’, Astilbe
arendsii, is a colorful feathery flower with white
blooms and lacy deep green on bronze-green foliage.
The flowers contrast wonderfully with its...Read

Fanal Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Fanal’, Astilbe arendsii,
is a colorful feathery flower with deep red blooms
and lacy deep green or bronze-green foliage. The
foliage in spring is mahogany but as aut...Read

Montgomery Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Montgomery’, Astilbe
japonica, has wonderful deep red to scarlet-red
flowers with dark red-bronze foliage changing to
green in the spring. The flowers contrast wonder...Read

Rheinland Astilbe
Price:16.95The Astilbe ‘Rheinland’, Astilbe
japonica, has wonderful clear pink flowers with mid
green foliage changing to green in the spring. The
flowers contrast wonderfully with the gloss...Read

Sprite Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Sprite’, Astilbe
simplicifolia, was the Perennial of the Year in 1994
and one can see why. With its wonderful apple
blossom light pink flowers and dark bronze foliage

Visions Astilbe
Price: 16.95The Astilbe ‘Visions’, Astilbe
chinensis, is a colorful feathery flower with
raspberry blooms and lacy blue-green foliage. The
flowers contrast wonderfully with the glossy