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THE Washington
About the Washington
Hawthorne :
The Washington Hawthorne tree, Crataegus
Phaenopyrum, is a broadly oval to rounded, dense,
thorny tree. The foliage is a reddish purple when
unfolding and gradually changing to lustrous dark
green at maturity. Fall color varies from orange to
scarlet to purplish. Flowers are white and ½”
diameter. Fruit is a bright glossy red.
Washington Hawthorne trees holds its fruit on the
tree and it is an excellent wildlife species and can
be used as a specimen, hedge or screen. Plant 4-6’
apart in the row for a hedge. It has low water
requirements and shows a high tolerance to salt and
alkali soils. The tree flowers in early spring with
a profusion of white blossoms. After frost, the
leaves turn a beautiful scarlet color |