Forsythia -
Lynwood Gold
Mature Height
8-10 feet
Soil Type
Widely adaptable
Mature Spread
8-10 feet
Flower Color
Mature Form
Upright or erect
Foliage Color
Growth Rate
Fall Color
Sun Exposure
Full sun to
partial shade
Soil Moisture
Widely adaptable
About the Forsythia - Lynwood
Gold :
The Lynwood Gold Forsythia, Forsythia x intermedia
'Lynwood Gold', is an old time favorite with an upright
spreading habit and big yellow flowers up the entire length
of stem. It is one of the best and most reliable of
forsythias. The flowering stems appear as deep golden wands
in April. 'Lynwood Gold' is a dense growing plant with an
upright habit. Forsythia is excellent for hedging, fast
growing and tolerant of moist soils. 'Lynwood Gold' grows 6
to 8 feet tall and wide and does best in sun to light shade.
Allow plants to develop for the first three years with
minimal pruning. Once plants are established prune in
midspring after flowering by thinning out crowded stems from
the center of the shrub. Also remove one or two old stems
from the base. A little pruning will go a long way to keep
your forsythia attractive and free flowering!