About the Sumac -
Fragrant :
The Fragrant Sumac, Rhus aromatica, is a small
shrub, most commonly encountered on limestone
uplands, occasionally on acidic sites. It
occasionally reaches tree size. Fragrant sumac is a
pioneer species, establishing rapidly from seed
after heavy disturbance, particularly fire. Like
other sumacs, it forms clonal clumps, but not as
extensively as the other species. Fragrant sumac is
a short-lived pioneer, which reproduces from seed or
clonally via root suckers. Seed production is
moderately abundant, and seeds are dispersed by
Lifespan is about 20-30 years, though clones can
live substantially longer. Fruit is important as
winter bird food. This is an Important deer browse
species. The fruits, steeped in cool water, yield a
refreshing drink, like lemonade. Native Americans
used the bark of all sumacs as an astringent, and
leaves and bark can be used for tanning leather, due
to the high tannin content.